Sunday, June 24, 2012

Week 2 - In the books

One thing I love about my new coach is that we seem to gradually slide into training.  I am not complaining.  But I will comment (yet again) how amazing (and dejecting) it is how quickly we lose our fitness compared to the time it takes to hit peak stride.

The past week was my second week of training for the Chicago Marathon.  My coach tends to take it easy on me at first, so it has been a nice gradual swing into the training routine.  Unfortunately my track workout Tuesday night was cancelled.  I didn't run in the morning, and it was crazy hot when I got home, so Tuesday ended up being an unplanned rest day that I had to make up elsewhere throughout the week.

Admittedly I struggled during some of my runs in the heat - particularly over the weekend.  I was drenched within the first mile of both runs and struggled post-run with staving off the heat/exertion-induced headaches.  So, I will admit out loud that I need to start getting up supah early on the weekends to get my runs in.  It stinks because I LOVE to catch up on my sleep on the weekend, but alas, my training is more important.  So I will be dragging my tired self out of bed much earlier next week!

Monday and Tuesday were rest days.  I have started getting back into a routine with my upper body weights though and did them on Monday.  I have a little routine (less than 10 minutes) with weights ranging from 5 lbs to 30.  It always makes a difference if I keep on top of it and I am determined to this go round.

Wednesday I met my friend Michelle bright and early at 5:30 am to do our speed workout that we missed Tuesday night.  Even though we couldn't hold track, our coach did e-mail us the workout.  We ran just under 6 miles.  Warm-up + strides; then .5 miles @ 5K pace with 30 second recoveries x 4 (paces = 6:35, 6:34, 6:40, 6:40); then 2 x .25 progressively hard (paces = 6:02, 6:03); cool down.  Ooooh wee I was feeling the workout - which was frustrating since it was 5K pace and then my quarters were not super speedy.  But I'll blame it on being only the start of the training season and the humidity (it was 76 degrees and wicked humid at 5:30 am!!).  Wednesday night I got a bit overzealous with doing planks and was sore for the next 2 days (ooops).

Thursday I got up early again and logged just over 7.5 miles (8:56 pace).  It was humid, but ten degrees cooler (68), which was very welcome.

Friday I again ran just over 7.5 miles with a fartlek in the middle.  I did 2 minutes hard; 1 minute easy x 4.  Again folks, it wasn't easy or speedy.  It is amazing how long it takes to build fitness, but how easy it is to lose it.  Average pace was 8:37.

Saturday I slept in and did not run until the heat of the day (not a good idea).  The up side was that I can tell I am acclimating to it some, but the downside was it was hard.  I stopped to refill my water several times!  9 miles at 8:41 pace.

Goofing off with my aunt who stayed with us for the weekend.  
Can you tell we are only 6 months apart in age?

Sunday I thought I was getting up early - and did get up at 7 - but for various reasons, I didn't get out the door until almost 9.  By mile 2 I was completely drenched.  Gah.  I drank 72 oz. during the run and still ran out.  12 miles at 8:55 pace.

Total: a hair under 42 miles.  That is up from 31 last week and I am hoping to be closer to 50 next week.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Solid week! I'm trying to develop a new attitude about the heat and EMBRACE training in it when I have no other choice, with the idea that it will make me that much tougher. (Though obviously speed work in heat isn't effective!)

sage said...

Admittedly, I am not as hardcore as Cindi, who sleeps about half as much as I do... But, I have to tell you that weekends are for NAPS!

I get up at 5:30 on Saturday & run long. By 1pm, I am napping. It's the only thing that saves me from the heat & lets me catch up on sleep.

Mindi said...

It is funny because I am starting to acclimate to it, but I am definitely not embracing it. :) Sage - I really do need to try to nap. I am terrible about doing it, but it really does make a big difference.

Theia said...

"It is amazing how long it takes to build fitness, but how easy it is to lose it."

This. Exactly!