Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hitting my stride

This week has started out really fun!

I didn't have anything on schedule until Tuesday night's track workout, but it was so gorgeous Tuesday morning, I got out for a little over 6 miles in fabulous 46 degree weather!

Tuesday night it was track time and it was fun, but oh so painful.  We did 800s, 600s and 200s.  That sounds pretty easy, but as usual, our coaches kicked our butts.  We did them slightly slower than goal mile pace for the 800s and 600s, then did the 200s as fast as we could on tired legs.  I am very interested in seeing how this year's mile turns out for me.  Stay tuned.

Here are my running buddies and me after our hard workout - at least we are all smiling!

This morning I got up and logged 5.5.  It wasn't easy, but the good news is that I am not sore.  Tonight John and I are going to a concert - hopefully I won't be dragging too much in the early am while braving ridiculously hot/humid weather.  I won't complain though.  At least it is not dark and snowing.  :)

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