Sunday, April 1, 2012

Another week in the books

So this week was a good one. A really good one.

Family was great, GOTR was really good, work was good, training was solid.

A highlight was that we started Girls on the Run this week - YAY! And that consumed my Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Then I was in Milwaukee Thursday afternoon / evening, so suffice to say, it was a busy week with work, activities and life.

It is always such a shot in the arm to get back into GOTR. We now have 2 completely full sessions in my community and I would LOVE to coach both, but reality, work and family wouldn't give on that. The energy of 8-11 year old girls + running + positive energy + open hearts = awesome. So I am thrilled another chapter is opening. It goes so fast....

Training held steady as it was my last easy week before hitting peak and starting taper:

M: rest

T: 40 minutes (4.5 /8:53 pace / 150 AHR)

W: 1:10 with strength intervals of 4 x 1 mile @ 7:35 pace; .5 recovery (8.3 miles / 8:32 average pace; 159 AHR / Max 184).

R: 30 minutes (3.3 / 9:00 / 145 AHR)

F: rest

Sa: 1:25 minutes (10.5 miles with 6 @ goal marathon pace - 7:45; AHR 165)

Su: 1:40 minutes (11.4 miles / 8:47 pace / 154 AHR) - highlight was running the first 3 with James. He revived his interest in training for Crazylegs this weekend and we have set up a modest schedule to get him there. I am so glad as he is a natural runner.

Total: 38 miles