Saturday, March 31, 2012

Marathon Pace

Today I was scheduled for 65 minutes with a 10 minute warm up; 6 mile GMP run; 10 minute cool down. Well, I skipped my 30 minute run yesterday** due to life schedule, so I wanted to tag a little time on.

I haven't been feeling the best this week and last night we played with the neighbors a bit. Fun. But probably a glass of wine more than necessary. Slept in and had french toast with the boys and delayed getting my run on because it was COLD in my house.

Funny how that is. Last week I was itching to get out when it was almost 70, but so hard to log the long run. Today it was chilly, but yeah, PERFECT running weather. So after doing some family admin (laundry, finances, etc.), I laced up my sneakers and hit the road. It was 39 degrees, yet I was surprised how cold I was. Although I knew once I bumped up into GMP territory, I'd be golden. Sure enough, my goal marathon pace miles were fun. Nope, not effortless, but after months and months of pacing between 8:45 and 9:00, or 7:17, that 7:45ish range felt pretty great. It is funny too because peeps are coming out of the woodwork in WI now that it is spring, so I had lots more spring in my step when I ran through the baseball fields and lawns full of people. Yup. Guess I am a hot dog like that. :)

Happy last weekend of March!

I so hope the morning of May 5 is just like this morning.

**Question: I know it sounds terrible, but 20, 30, 40 minute runs are too easy for me to skip as they feel like no workout. I know that sounds crazy, but can any of you relate? I couldn't fit in my MP workout yesterday with work, and felt like I was better served sleeping in that hitting 30 minutes. So I am stretching those 30 minutes over my weekend workouts. Good? Bad? Doesn't matter?

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