Friday, April 6, 2012

Taking Names

That's right.

That is exactly how my running has felt this week.

Taking names.

It is a good thing too because this week is my highest mileage week of the season. And my taper is lurking just around the corner. It seems like not too long ago I was a little bored, sore and sluggish. This week, something definitely clicked into place.

I am not sure if it is my training coming together, or the amazing weather we've had this week, but I'll take it.

All week during my morning runs it has been beautiful, full of spring, and touting fabulous temps ranging from 30 degrees to 43ish degrees. Seriously perfect training weather.

Please o please o please o please let it be like this on May 5. :)

I have switched from my tempo intervals to strength intervals, which are a little longer and just slightly speedier than goal marathon pace for my Wednesday workouts. My Friday tempo intervals have also been replaced by longer marathon pace runs.

This morning, it was SO hard to get out of bed when I knew it was only 28ish degrees outside. But once I got out there, the sun was shining and it was perfect. I ran 10 miles with 7 at goal race pace (7:45). The miles felt relatively easy and my heart rate was in a very comfortable spot.

It gives me confidence.

Tomorrow I have an easy run (part with James) and Sunday I have 3 hours and 15 minutes on tap, which should equate to about 22 miles.

Bring it!

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