Saturday, March 31, 2012

Catching up

Oops, I have been a bit remiss in reporting my training efforts. Not that many read this, but I do like to keep track for when I look back at the work I have put in.

I had a solid week last week:

M: rest

T: 40 mins am (4.7 mi / 8:52 pace) and 30 mins pm (3.3 mi / 8:56 pace). The afternoon run was particularly nice because James ran with me. I also did arm weights.

W: 9+ miles with 3 x 1 mile at tempo (7:17, 7:12, 7:21) + 4 striders. It was crazy windy out there!!

R: 1 hour (7 miles / 8:44 pace) - beautiful morning for a run.

F: 8 miles with more intervals! 5 x. 625 @ tempo (7:11, 7:02, 7:11, 7:08, 7:12) + 4 striders and arm weights.

8 miles @ 8:45 pace - all felt awesome.

Su: 3 hour run - 20.2 miles (8:57 pace). This run was tough because my HR was pretty crazy high the entire time (163 AHR). It was warm out there - 70 degrees - but it shouldn't have been that high. Low and behold, I had a head cold on Monday morning, so my guess is the 2 were related. I was just happy to get my second 3 hour run in the books. Took a nice little ice bath afterwards too!

Total: 60.5 miles

And yes, on Monday, I finally bit the bullet and got a sports massage. I actually enjoyed it too, even though it hurt like crazy in some spots. I really need to get into a good stretching routine for these next few weeks.

This week is a cut-back week. I then have my last 2 big weeks before the taper begins. Even though this has been a long training season for me, it seems surreal that my race is just around the corner. I guess I had better start looking for a hotel room!


In other great news, Girls on the Run has started again!! I have worked hard to get a second group going and a scholarship program in place with our schools in the off-season, but it is so much fun getting to get back out there to run with the girls and discuss all the good stuff we discuss! :)

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