Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stake-out #1 Complete

So we staged our grand stake-out this morning. I was up at 4:30 and ready to run! But I was standing in the window from 5:10-5:30 waiting to see something suspicious. Nada. John insisted on "patrolling" the neighborhood before I went out. When he got back, we laughed because he was driving around very slowly in a pickup, with a black hoodie on. He figured he scared any other early morning runner/walker out there. So, I jaunted out for my speed work. Was only able to do part of it due to the time crunch between our grand stake-out and John having to leave by 6:50 am. I did 7.5 ish miles with 4.5 x 800 meters at just faster than 5K pace. Yeah, that was crazy hard. Just when you start thinking you may be making progress.....

Seriously though, I know I have done nada on speed (aside from hills) for months. So no biggie. This weekend's 5K should be interesting. It is a hard course, but I am excited to get back at it. And James is doing it too (on his own!). Rock. My kids like running! :D

Back to stake-out. I decided to contact a friend of mine in the neighborhood who also runs early so he can keep his eyes out. On one level I feel as though I am being a bit paranoid. But on the other hand, wouldn't I feel bad if a house we're burglarized and I saw this for weeks? Even better, maybe he has an explanation? Who knows. I will check it out again tomorrow before my run. I am starting to feel a bit crazy. But that is better than being irresponsible, no?

Backing off of all that craziness, I had a GREAT day. :D Lots of good things going on. I hope you are in the same shoes.


sneakersister said...

Mindi, I don't think you're being crazy at all. I would be alerting the neighbors. It's way better to be safe than sorry.

Good luck this weekend!

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Keep us posted on the stakeout!

Speedy 5k vibes to you this weekend!

Mindi said...

Thanks, ladies. So far, nothing. But I am glad we have the radar up. And I am looking forward to sleeping in over the weekend and running in full daylight! :)