Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So this morning I planned to run 10-12 miles and do my first set of intervals (800m). I got up bright and early, and headed out the door at 5:15. Just as I was coming out the door, I saw a truck driving by slowly. Sure enough, it creeped along and then turned down the cul de sac. Great. Not again. I ran inside and grabbed my cell phone, and as I was coming out, I saw the truck slowly trolling down the street and it turned at the same place it did last time. Scary. So I went back in and after a couple minutes, decided to wake John up. He was all fired up and we hopped in his truck to drive around the neighborhood to see if we could find the truck and figure out what was going on. Unfortunately (fortunately?) a good 20 minutes had passed before we got out there and the streets were empty.

Around 5:45 I got back out there. I was a bit flipped out. Within a mile a Sheltie was chasing me. Great. Not the best morning for a run. Thankfully I resisted the urge to bag the whole thing and plunked out a slow 8 miles in the cold (22 degrees; "feels like" 11 with the wind).

All and all it is probably good I postponed my interval run as I feel a bit under the weather. I have had an upset stomach and have just felt exhausted the last 2 days. Hopefully it will pass quickly.

I had been hoping to bump up to 60 miles this week, but am not sure what I'll be able to pull off since John has to go in very early tomorrow and I have that 10-12 on my list.

We'll see.


Jen Jones said...

Oh man, Mindi, I'm so sorry :(.

Did you call the Police again? You probably should. I had one car totally freak me out one morning in the dark, but I think it may (big may) have been a paper delivery person and I haven't seen it since.

Don't worry about the missed 800's, it's super early and I'm sure the worry got your HR plenty high.

Once again, I'm sorry you have to deal with that.

Mindi said...

Thanks, Jen. I did not call the police again (yet) because I did not get a good look at the license plate/color, etc. Last time they said their wasn't much they could do without it. I am going to be watching around the same time tomorrow to see if anything funny is going on and then call, if applicable. It is just really sketchy to see someone driving around like that. While it may have absolutely nothing to do with me, I worry people are casing houses, etc. Frustrating!

Greg said...

Spooky. Be careful!

Maria said...

Yep, once my mind wanders it's hard to recommit to the intended workout. Don't let it stress you, feeling safe is a much better road.