Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 13 Recap

Whew. This week has not gone according to schedule at all. Between board meetings, school starting, and a busy work schedule, I have had to change up most of my scheduled runs. The good news is that I still hit 70 miles with 6 runs.

I was a bit sore this week from the Madison Mini Marathon, but by the weekend, I was feeling pretty good. I was scheduled for 12 with 7 @ 15K pace this week, but decided that was probably too aggressive right after a hard half marathon. Plus I will be racing the next 3 weekends.

I slept in yesterday and it was icky and hot for my 12 miler. My HR was high and it was just somewhat miserable. So I decided I would get up early to do my 21 miler. I got up at 6 and was out the door by 7:30. According to our temp gauge, it was 45 degrees. Sweet. The first 5 or so miles were awesome, but then the sun got higher and it started getting warm and humid. By mile 12 my HR was increasing and I could really feel it was warming up. Boy didn't I wish I had gotten up an hour earlier. The last 9 miles were tough and the last 3 were downright painful. But, despite many nagging thoughts, I did not bag the run and pushed through all 21. Last mile was the fastest mile. It was 77 when I got back - no doubt into the 80s with the humidity. That is quite a temperature swing!!!

Here is how the week fell into the books:

M: rest / arms/ core

T: 9 progressive (9:09) / core

W: 10 easy (9:26) / core

R: 6.7 recovery (9:43) / arms

F: 11 easy (9:14) / core

Sa: 12 (9:15)

Su: 21 (8:44) - will do arms and core later

Total: 70.

Now I am off to work. I worked yesterday too, which theoretically stinks on a holiday weekend, but it is great to be busy again after a slow couple of months.


Greg said...

70 in 6 runs is tough. Be careful.

45 degrees? You're getting no sympathy for your 32 degree swing! I wimped out and did the treadmill because it was 75 (slept in). I'm glad I did as it was 85 when I got off.

Mindi said...

Yeah, this week was awesome. During the work week, it was 38 for my morning runs. :D

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Way to get the miles in with all that other stuff going on. That's an awesome pace on the 21 miler that heated up that quickly!

Excellent that work is picking back up.

Mindi said...

BTW - temps may be wimpy here compared to other places, but starting at 45 degrees, 8:45 pace is easy. By 70 degrees, it is a LOT harder, particularly as you get upwards of 18. Maintaining the pace as temps rose was hard!!

mainers said...

way to hit 21 miles on sunday Mindi!

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Have you seen that Daniels table/spreadsheet that shows the effect of temps over 60 on pace?

Mindi said...

No, but I would love to see it! Is it in the Daniels Running Formula book?