And let me tell you it was a stressful one. Seriously. I don't think I have ever had this stressful of a week. At least not in a LONG time. The layoffs in the legal community are still coming fast and furious and neither my nor my husband's firms are immune. Someone I love very deeply was disturbingly suicidal. And my nephew (just under 8 mo.) is currently in the hospital with a high fever and breathing problems. Sheesh. To add a nice icing on the cake, we got another 3-4 inches of snow this weekend making for rather suckish running conditions. I know, waaa waaa.
The good news is that things seem to be regulating some and I was able to decompress some this weekend. Both my husband and I still have our jobs, no one took their life, and the snow is melting. Once my nephew gets released from the hospital, we should be a bit more normalized.
So what about running, you ask? Oh yeah. It was pretty decent:
M: rest
T: 6 easy on the treadmill (8:45)
W: 12 outside (9:10) - scheduled for 7 at 15K pace, but there was no way I could do that in the snowy conditions I was running in. So I just took it easy and enjoyed the ride.
R: 5 easy on the mill (8:52) - way too icy to go outside.
F: 12 with 7 at 15K pace (7:37). I struggled through this workout. It is always one of the hardest on the Pfitz schedule, but it was also a rough run because: (1) it was on the treadmill; (2) my left front shin muscle hurt; and (3) I was just plain tired and underperforming. I stopped several times to stretch out the shin, but I finished. That was big. I finished.
Sa: 5 easy on the treadmill (9:10) - snowy and windy outside.
Su: 20 (8:44) - did the first 15 just under a 9:00 pace (8:50ish), then picked it up for the last 5 (8:24, 8:34, 8:32, 8:36 and 7:52). I waited until 1:00 pm to go, so the roads weren't too bad. It was windy and COLD though!!
Total: 60
I hope your nephew feels better soon and you all keep your jobs!
hanks, Greg. Nephew is still in the hospital, but has been diagnosed (influenza and the croup) and is on medication. Realistically, I don't think there will be any job losses any time soon, but it is stressful nonetheless to see the cuts taking place!
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