Saturday, February 21, 2009

10K Challenge

Are you in?

My training schedule has me doing three tune-up races at 6 weeks out, 4 weeks out and 2 weeks out, respectively. My problem is that there is only 1 race scheduled during those 6 weeks (Shamrock Shuffle). Not good. I am a big believer in tune-up races. And I know I could just do a 10K on my own, but I know it won't be quite right. And 10Ks are by far my toughest race. So I decided to start my own race next Saturday.

My plan is to run the UW Arboretum loop. The reason? I know exactly where the start and finish would be. And it is a tough course for me. I could use some mental toughness race training. I am hoping I can get a few locals to join me. For those of you that are "non-local," I invite you to virtually race me in this 10K. You pick your own course, we report back with race times and stats post-race. Anyone in?


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

I plan on being hungover on a Girls Trip to Chicago next Saturday, so if I do run 10k, you'll win!

Greg said...

I'm no fun now. I just do what my coach tells me and there's no 10k on the schedule next weekend. My joke is that I have three women who tell me what to do at all times: my wife, my boss, and my coach.

Hopefully you'll get some live company. 10ks are brutal. There's no way could I run 10k at 10k race pace solo.

Quinto Sol said...

I'll go ahead and run a 10K as fast as I can during my scheduled 19-20 miler. That should count, right? Right.