Monday, December 10, 2007

Yay! I am on the mend!

I have definitely turned a corner with my injury. I stopped doing the oblique weights a little over a week ago and have done a lot of core work. I have now run 3 days in a row and the hip feels very good. Woo Hoo! This laid up deal was getting old. And it didn't help that I just couldn't seem to befriend my elliptical. It has been extremely cold here, but it is oh so nice to be out and running. I have definitely lost some fitness as I am running very slow with high HRs, but it is a start. And it is hard to accurately measure because I have been sick and it is tough to tell how much of an effect running in 1 degree weather will have on the HR.

Hopefully I will see some progress this week. It is not supposed to get above freezing here all week. And the lows are getting very low (think 1 degree notwithstanding wind chill). The good news is that I leave for Sedona on Thursday and it is supposed to be nice and in the 50s all weekend! Sounds good to me!!


Anonymous said...

Is that a picture of you?

Seriously, if you want any Sedona recommendations, let me know. I have a few good places I remember from my time there--really, if you get the chance, drive up to Flagstaff up 89A--it's a wonderful drive demonstrating the rich biodiversity of the state.

Mindi said...

Heh. That is NOT me. I wish I could do back flips....

I would LOVE any Sedona recommendations. We are just going up there to explore and we have a car, so keep any suggestions coming!

Anonymous said...


Is just you and your husband or are your kids with you? I'll recommend accordingly...

Mindi said...

Just me and my hubby! Kids are going to grandma and grandpas! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mindi! Thank you for swinging by my running blog. I am excited to start reading about all of your running and family adventures :)

Stay warm!!

Anonymous said...

Whoops - forgot to sign my name ... this is Bridget :)

Mindi said...

Thanks for stopping by Bridget!

Joseph - please send me your recommendations soon - we are leaving this afternoon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mindi,

I got completely drilled this morning with errands. Sorry about that.

All right, here they are in no particular order:

1. You'll notice there's some niceish looking places on the main drag of Sedona. My opinion is good lot of them are tourist traps. Lots of people like that stuff, but it doesn't really suite me. HOWEVER, to my mind, the art galleries right at the bridge when you come into town are amazing.

2. Take a helicopter or jeep tour of the canyon. They're not cheap, but they're well worth the money.

3. There is a terrific pancake house down 89A south on the way out of town (my memory may be off here) toward Cottonwood.

4. Cafe Elote is very good to my memory.

5. Mexican: Maria's.

6. When in Sedona, take a side trip over to Jerome-it's an old mining town worth exploring.

7. If you're a hiker, the lower West Fork of Oak Creek Canyon is terrific. Truly amazing and not difficult to hike.

8. Go to Flagstaff for lunch--there's a really cool Thai place in town. When you're finished, take an hour's drive up to the Painted Desert and wapatuki crater. They're amazing.

All right, have fun. Let me know how it goes.

Mindi said...

You rock, Joseph - THANKS!! I am printing your list as I type this... I'll let you know which spots we are able to hit.