Sunday, July 1, 2012

Week Three in the Books

Week three of training is in the books!  I bumped up my mileage pretty significantly again and was able to successfully log 3 speed workouts - woot!

Here are the gory details:

Monday is always a rest day for me.  However, the weather was absolutely gorgeous in the morning.  If I didn't have to get up super early to get into work, I would have logged a few miles just to enjoy the cool temps.

Tuesday morning was equally beautiful, so I got up early and logged 6.3 miles (8:46 pace) in nice, mid-40 degree weather.  This run was not on my schedule, but it was too great of an opportunity to miss.  Tuesday night, we hit the track.  The name of the game was endurance speed.  We did a warm-up; then 800s; 600s and 200s.  It was a killer, but a great workout no doubt.

Wednesday morning I got in just over 5.5 miles (8:56 pace).  My heart rate was a bit elevated, and I was tired, but overall it was a good run.

Thursday the heat really settled in.  It was warm and humid even in the early hours.  So I decided to push off my hill workout until Friday.  I took a water bottle with me and ended up having a nice little run: 5.7 miles (8:52 pace).

Friday morning was much more reasonable weather-wise, so I decided to hit my hill workout.  I did a 40 minute warmup, then 6 hill repeats.  I would run each hill hard, then jog down, repeat x 6.  I then took a 2 minute breather and did my cool down.  Ended up with 8.5 miles (8:43 average pace).  The hill paces ranged from 7:28 to 6:51 pace.

Saturday I felt pretty crappy (stomach distress), but the boys and I ran a 5k.   The exciting part: I won!  I wasn't super fast, but it is all about who shows up on race day.  :)  See my race report here.  With my warm up and cool down, I ended up with almost 8 miles.  Post-race, I napped and then the boys and I rode our bikes to go get ice cream!

Sunday I felt better, but it was HOT and HUMID when I got out for my run.  Admittedly, it was a complete suffer-fest.  By the time I finished up, it was "feels like" 89 and I was completely drenched.  I ended up with just over 11.5 miles (8:57 pace).  It wasn't pretty, but I got it done.  When I got home, James made me pancakes for breakfast.  Yum!

Total: 50 miles baby!

I am happy to be back up into a respectable training load.  Looking forward to keeping it going.

I hope you all had a great training week and survived the heat as well!


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Woot! Solid training week AND a first place race! Nice work. And LOVE that the boys are so active with you!

Mindi said...
