Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Ah, Sweet Rain

Tonight our track workout was cancelled due to the extreme heat.  As I was driving home at 6:15 pm tonight, it was still 100 degrees.  Yikes.  I wanted to get in an easy run anyway, but I so did NOT want to run on the treadmill.

When I got home, James talked me into going to the grocery store.  After doing that and procrastinating a bit, I finally threw on my running clothes and headed out the door around 7:20.  It was 93 degrees and a complete cooker.  Fortunately for me, within minutes the skies opened up and it started pouring.  It is the first rain we've had in months - it has been hot, oppressive, dry and brutal.

So it was awesome to run in the rain, slosh through the puddles, feel the drops pound my face and view the awesome rainbows and slits of light running through the clouds post-showers.  I had been planning to run 40 minutes, but given the vastly improving conditions I logged 65 minutes - 7.25 miles.

The downside?  All of my chalk marks for our speed workouts are now gone.  Guess I'll have to remark them as my friend Michelle, me and the boys are getting up to do our last Miler in Training workout tomorrow (600s, 400s, 200s, 100s).

The upside (other than of course that it finally rained)?  The boys didn't complain once when I told them we were getting up at 5 am to run our workout even though they have been regularly sleeping in until 9ish lately.  They even went to bed early tonight for it.  Nice!

I have some runners in the making me thinks.  :)

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