Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Good for the Soul

Today was a rough day.  The last few days have been.  I won't bring you down with details, but I will share a highlight:  Girls on the Run.

Seriously, sometimes it is really hard to fit all of this stuff in.  It takes a lot of work.  But it is so worth it.  Tonight, I was sad and worried and down.  But I put on my hot pink breast cancer socks (awesome socks make everything a little more light), my sweet black running skirt and a lime green running shirt.  Read: Girls on the Run gear.  I then met up with 18 of the most awesome 3rd - 6th graders  who greeted me with big smiles and great big hugs.  Add in my besties who coach with me and: Man, I needed that.  We talked, we laughed, we ran, we discussed all that ails us, and we had a very good time doing so.  It was our last meeting before our Rowdy Rehearsal Run 5K on Saturday.  Much to do before then to get ready, but as I openly tell my girls, it is easily one of my favorite days of the year.  More on that soon!

In training news, there is not much to report.  Right after the race, I got excited and started to think about possibly running the Madison Marathon half on Memorial Day weekend.  Well, I ran twice last weekend easy and was crazy sore on Monday and Tuesday.  Clearly I need more recovery time.  So, I am going to continue doing the recovery thing for now.

I have some fun races coming up with my boys and Girls on the Run.  Stay tuned for what will no doubt be very fun, happy posts from this gal.


sage said...

You could run the weird twilight 10k the night before the Madison Marathon.... I'm going to do it!

Mindi said...

Ha - I'm not sure I could even manage the 10K, but I am considering it! Fun that you are coming into town. It would be great to meet up!

Theia said...

Super jealous of a potential Mindi/Sage meetup!