Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week # 2 of Taper in the Books

Woo hoo!  Only a few more short runs until it is time to toe the line at the Wisconsin Marathon next Saturday!  I am super excited and am really really really hoping the weather cooperates.  I have had a very strong training season and I feel prepared to have a break out race.  So, this week, I am focused on rest, clean nutrition, hydration+, carbo-loading, and mental relaxation.

Training Recap:  This week I deviated a fair bit from my scheduled runs due to timing and/or personal preference.  But that is okay.  When I talked to Coach last week, he said the key was to do what was comfortable, not overdo it and not under-do it.  I hit all of my workouts, but shaved a few minutes off here or there so my total running time was about 35 minutes less than scheduled.  With Girls on the Run, it probably ended up a wash, but I don't record the running I do there.

M:  off / upper body weights

T:  7.2 with strength intervals: 4 x 1 mile @ 7:35 pace (7:25, 7:29, 7:32, 7:31) am / 2.25 miles (8:54) with James pm

W:  off (since I ran 2x yesterday) / upper body weights

R:  9 miles with 8 @ goal marathon pace (7:45)

F:  5.3 miles (8:42) with 5 striders / upper body weights

Sa:  CrazyLegs Classic 8K 40:13 with James.  We did some w/u and c/d during our 2 mile walk back, but I did not record it.

Su:  10 miles (8:56 pace).  Right ankle felt wonky and my hamstrings are tight.  HR was high too.  Fortunately this is familiar for this point in my taper, so I am not worried.  All will improve next week.

Total:  38.8 miles

So my mileage is substantially lower, but I also had a few high quality runs.  I am hoping all of this uptempo pacing will make race pace feel very comfortable on Saturday.

1 comment:

Theia said...

Can't wait to hear how the race goes!!