Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hahahaha. I have had such a great day today. Much of it you may have seen on Facebook, but I had so much fun today it is worth its own blog post.

First and foremost, after a fun little fire last night on the deck, the boys let us sleep in until after 9. We made waffles, then James and I ran 4 miles together. The idea was to ease into it as this was James' longest run, and he was like an old pro. First mile was 9:45, and we picked it up gradually, but steadily with last mile at 8:22.

We had such a great time running and chatting. I was telling him how I've had a good training week and that this week was my biggest week. He asked me if I was going to run 78 miles and I said no, more like 65. He said he remembered one time when I hit 78 miles and sounded so proud. It is funny what he remembers.

We chatted about lots of little life things and it was all so positive and frankly awesome. I wish I had him to run with me every run! This was his 4th run for the week and he told me that maybe he'd join me for a mile or 2 tomorrow during my 22 miler to give me some support and get in a little extra work. Gosh I love that kid. :)

I then added a couple extra miles on my own. Felt effortless and awesome. Yay. Since we slowed things down early on, I got to see my HR in the 120 range, which is always a wonderful sight.

This afternoon I got my eyes checked again because they seem to be getting worse. Bah. They are slightly. I bit the bullet and ordered sports sunglasses because my last couple marys I have gotten bad headaches near the end and I bet that is due to my crappy eyes. Hopefully it will help. I get them in 2 weeks. Crikey they were expensive though.

This evening I needed to run to the store for last minute items for our Easter feast tomorrow afternoon/evening. The boys brought along one of their best buddies. As we passed the mall, I mentioned that I saw the Easter Bunny there. The boys all thought it was hilarious, so I told them I'd take them if they wanted to get their photo taken. They did. It was all priceless. So much fun.

We hit the store and rode home. As we hit our street, we rolled down the windows and cranked "Party Rock Anthem" while the boys stuck their heads out of the car like dogs. We got into the driveway and they showed off their dance moves while I flashed my lights at them. Disco baby.


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