Sunday, April 8, 2012

22 Serious Miles

Today I was scheduled to run my longest run of the training season - 3 hours and 15 minutes.

I decided to make the time count and get a really hard workout. So rather than looping around my town, I hit the back country roads and the hills. It was crazy windy out though, and in the big open spaces I could definitely feel it. From the get go I felt strong and it was refreshing to run a route I haven't run in a long time. Since it was Easter, there was very little traffic too - particularly for the first hour or so. Very peaceful.

At 12 miles I stopped at home for a gel and to refill my water. Then I hit "Jill's Hills" which is a pretty crazy route of long and bit hills. As you can see, from about 14 to 18 it was all uphill. Then there was a HUGE downhill. While that is typically welcome, I really had to focus on my form since my legs were a little jello-y. I ended up logging just a hair over 22 miles with an average pace of 8:51. Best news was that my last mile was the fastest mile, which is always a good thing.

Here is how the week panned out:

M: rest

T: 4.7 miles (8:49) am / 3.6 miles (9:01) pm. My evening run was with James. :)

W: 10 miles with 5 x 1 mile @ 7:35 pace (7:35, 7:37, 7:32, 7:33, 7:35). HR was in an awesome place.

R: 7 miles (8:43) am / 2.5 (8:55) pm. Evening run was with James again. :)

F: 10 miles with 7 miles at goal marathon pace (7:45). Again, HR was in a great place and I felt very comfortable.

Sa: 6.8 miles (8:51). First 4.5 were with James. :)

Su: 22 hilly miles (8:51).

Total: 66.7 miles

3 weeks and 6 days until race day.