Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Running with my boys

Wow - Spring has sprung in Wisconsin and it is completely invigorating. As the daffodills and tulips start popping up, people are coming out of the woodwork to run, bike, walk and enjoy the nice weather.

Even better, as I mentioned a while back, my boys have started running with me.

Last night, I came home from work at 5:30 and it was almost 60 degrees. So I coaxed James into going on a nice 30 minute run with me. He protested at first, but once we got out there, we had a great run. The kid has some wheels too. He always likes to finish fast, and I notice this season I simply cannot keep up with him. He was running a sub-6 minute mile the last stretch on the way home. Sheesh. I sure hope he keeps it up. Not only do I love seeing him run, but it is nice to have a running buddy.

He mentioned to me this morning how it is hard to get motivated to run, but once he gets out there, he is glad he did it. Yup, that is how it works.

Jake also got up with me early last week to log a run. Who would have thought a third grader would want to get up at 5:45 and run in the dark with Mom? Love it. :)

I am one lucky girl.

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