Saturday, December 3, 2011

Back in the Saddle

Slacking time is over.

I started training for the Wisconsin Marathon on December 1.

Switching things up a bit and looking forward to the outcomes.

So far, I have amped it up a notch PACE wise. My "easy" paces are faster than my ordinary easy paces. I like it.

Mileage is still low. Working into this...

I am certainly in untreaded territory and I am trusting in my new coach.


1 comment:

Jen Jones said...

Good luck with the new coach! If you are going to pay a professional to help you, you might as well be 100% into it and the plan. There is a reason you hired him (her?).

Have a blast with it! It's always fun to mix things up a bit and try something new :) I'll enjoy following your progress!

(Keep an eye on your body with reduced mileage and faster paces, though. Take excellent care of yourself!)