Friday, September 16, 2011


My last big training week is progressing, but boy am I feeling the last couple of weeks. Thank God my taper is right around the corner.

As I reported in my last post, I did a sweet interval workout on Wednesday. I was scheduled for 15 miles on Thursday, but my body was having NONE of that. I woke up at 4:30 on Thursday morning and could literally hardly open my eyes. And I was dragging! So I did a super sleazy slow recovery run and called it good. My HR was nice and low, but my paces were slow and my legs were logs.

I was hoping to sleep in until 6:00 this morning and then run after I got the kids up, but DH had to go into work super early and I was on my own getting the boys ready and off to their respective busses. So, I got up again at 4:30 and hit the streets. I did 7 miles at just under a 9 minute pace. My HR was good and the weather was AwEsOmE, but man, my heels were sore, my R hip was getting all snarky at me and my hammies felt like violin strings. I came home, had a nice morning with the boys, and then headed out for a little over 8 more. The second half of the run was a bit uglier and as I hit the last 3-4 miles, I really slowed down. I wasn't too worried about pace - I just wanted to get it done without getting my HR too out of control. Mission accomplished. But oy vey am I ready to taper.

As I always do, I worry when my workouts are this tough. So I went back and looked at my prior logs when I was doing this kind of ridiculous mileage. Sure enough, this week before Chicago 2009 was ugly and I was battered and beat up. My HRs were actually a fair bit higher then too. Okay, so that makes me feel a little better.

I am going to eek out a recovery run tomorrow (after sleeping in LATE) and my last 20 miler on Sunday. Then it is all downhill. Woot!

QUESTION: Since the temps have decreased, it seems like every time I go out for a run my HRM is all out of control. Seriously. Yesterday I was running a 10 m/m and it said my HR was 194 or something. I am quite sure it was not that high. But it took a good mile before it dropped down to the 130s where it should be. Does anyone else ever have this happen? Or know why?


Jen Jones said...

I think with the cooler weather, you aren't getting a good contact with your HRM. Happens to me all the time. Once I start sweating, it begins to read correctly!

Mindi said...

Thanks! I actually got the monitor a little wet this morning more before I went out and had no problems!