Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hitting Stride

Man, I am tired. My alarm went off at 4:20 this morning and it was an incredibly unwelcome sound. But, I dragged my tired self out of the bed, imbibed in a bit of coffee, and headed out for my intervals.

On the docket: 11 miles with 6 x 1000 meters at 5K pace. Recoveries were supposed to be 50-90% of the interval time.

I hopped onto the McMillian Running Calculator to determine the time range I should be able to complete them within. For a 3:25 marathon, the range was 4:07.1 to 4:16.6 for long distance runners. Okay.

It was 49 degrees and dark when I hit the streets. My hammies were barking a little bit and I was dragging. I did a 5.5 mile warmup, during which I repeatedly said, "I should bag the intervals until tomorrow," then "no, this week is very full - just do it!!" Over and over. Fortunately, the good trainee voice prevailed and I took off for my first 1000 meters.

I had my Garmin set on lap pace, and as per usual with intervals, I started out too slow. But after a minute or so, I was able to pick it up some. When the interval completed, I stopped and simply walked for a minute. Usually, I stop briefly, then continue jogging slowly until my timer beeps again, but this time I wanted to focus on the intervals, take 2-3 minutes to regroup and start again. So I didn't run between *most of* them. Instead, I stopped, caught my breath, walked a bit, and then took off again in the next interval. It turned out to be a very good strategy. I am not sure of the exact time of the rests, but I tried to keep it at 2-3 minutes between them.

The rest of the intervals clicked off nicely and I knew I was under 4:30 each (but hadn't really been paying close attention). I did a quick cooldown and turned it in. When I got home and uploaded my data, I was pleasantly surprised:

4:19 (I told you I was a little slow starting) / 167 (AHR) / 192 (MHR)
4:13:44 / 173 / 185
4:14:56 / 172 / 182
4:14:96 / 169 / 186
4:10:96 / 163 / 181
4:11:73 / 174 / 186

Perfect! I am thrilled that I was in the right range. Because I am completely OCD, I checked out the same workout I did 3.5 weeks before Chicago 2009 when I pulled off my current PR.

4:26:57 / 176 / 188
4:28:09 / 184 / 190
4:27:20 / 185 / 190
4:37:94 / 184 / 189
4:38:18 / 184 / 189
4:38:61 / 183 / 189

Woot! Granted, it was 10 degrees warmer and humid according to my running log, but still, I like my numbers this time around a whole lot better! I checked a couple other training cycles as well, and, without completely geeking out with the numbers here, today's performance was stronger.

I know it is just one day / just one workout, but I will hang onto whatever I can to build pre-race confidence! And right now, I feel like I may just be able to pull off a great race yet if I can get these last big workouts in and recover.

Oh, and I so need some more sleep. That will be the big challenge.

15 on tap tomorrow!


Jen Jones said...

Great job!

Those numbers along with all your high mileage training are pointing towards a break through marathon!

I'm excited for you!

Mindi said...

Thanks Jen! I am trying not to read too much into one workout, but it seems everything is starting to line up nicely. I really am due for a good race and I so hope it will happen in Chicago this year!

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Nice! I SO hope you break 3:25! I think you have it in you this time. Stay healthy this next few weeks and you have it!

Mindi said...

Thanks Cindi! I feel very healthy and strong right now. Although WAY sleep deprived - that must change! And my kids/everyone seem to be getting sick. If I can avoid that and rest, I feel like I may have a solid shot at a great race!