Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week 9 Recap

So clearly training wasn't going quite as planned given my high heart rates, slow paces, and general bleh. I talked to Roots for a long time and we decided the best plan for attack would be a week (or probably 2) of cut-back and recovery. Time to get back into a good training place. With that said, I was completely free to do whatever I felt like, with a suggested short tempo run. Here's how it shook out:

M: rest / buns/thighs/core

T: 6.35 (9:13) - footing wasn't the greatest, but not overly bad / core

W: rest / core

R: 7.1 w/ 3 @ tempo (7:32) on treadmill / core

F: rest

Sa: 7.1 hilly (8:58)

Su: 15.6 easy (9:27) - hilly and cold, but very easy / buns/thighs/core

Total: 36.2

I enjoyed the extra days off and extra sleep. I was still a little sore after my long run and my HR was high. But the good news is that I am feeling more rested and my resting HR has dropped (finally). Also, I magically dropped a couple pounds. I don't know why, but first cut-back (or taper) week or 2, that always happens. :)

The down side is I seem to be getting a bit of a head cold. Nothing terrible, but a bit annoying. I am SO sick of the winter, cold and gray. Can someone please remind me why I moved back to Wisconsin after 12 years in FL?!?! :)

This week the plan is also to have no real plan. A tempo run, a long run, and easy runs. I am hoping to up the mileage from last week, but still not push yet. I think 2 weeks of this may be very helpful. Fingers crossed anyway.


sneakersister said...

It's always good to listen to your body, sounds like a cutback was exactly what you needed. Hopefully you'll feel much more refreshed after next week. Still, those are nice runs.

I've been thinking about you a lot in the early morning because of that truck. Keep us posted on what's going on.

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Yeah for the HR coming down! How do you measure your resting HR? I have never measured or tracked mine. So do you find when your resting HR is lower the HR is lower for the runs too? All the time? Do you adjust your workout schedule around if you wake up and your resting HR is high? i.e. if it's high and you had tempo run planned, do you not even attempt the tempo and switch to easy miles instead?

Ok - I asked a gazillion questions - maybe you should do seperate post on this!

Greg said...

Sounds good. Just to confuse you though, I'd suggest that if you want a real cutback week you should drop the long run. I used to have to do an 18+ miler every week, but somehow I've gotten over that now. We'll see how I race next time, but I think dropping the long run has been one of the keys to recovering from injury.

Mindi said...

Thanks everyone!

Sneakersister - I do have *something* of an update. Still weird. I will add to my next post.

Cindi - cool - yes, I will post on it tomorrow.

Greg - that is great in concept, but I can't cut the LR if I am marathon training!! With that said, I am *scheduled* for 12 this weekend, which isn't technically long.

Sorry to be brief - been crazy busy! Will check in tomorrow night when I have quiet (kids in bed, John at show). :)