Thursday, January 28, 2010

Non-Running Entry

Well, not much to say considering I am *almost* on a sabbatical from running. Got the coach's approval to back off and regroup. So I am.

On to more exciting things (note that I am a COMPLETE geek when I say *exciting*). Got an iPhone yesterday. It is so cool. I may never get any work done again. But speaking of work, I am swamped, so I have to. A good thing.

Anyway, a HUGE interest of mine legal-wise involves the legal issues with Internet marketing/social media. It is a cool area to me because it is a fantastic resource for companies, but a bit of a mine field if not carefully planned and navigated properly. I have been speaking with local companies at peer groups on this and was recently invited to speak to senior marketing execs/in house counsel throughout the country in a focused marketing peer group on these issues because there are SO many questions and so few lawyers that have dipped their toes in this area. Cool. But here is where the fun stuff comes in. Last night, on Twitter, I saw that a large US company was seeking to employ full time in house counsel to deal with social media issues. I am not interested in that, but contacted them anyway to tell them I too am highly interested in this area and invited them to my upcoming teleconference (it is a closed conference for members only, but as speaker I can invite others). Stretch? Yes, but why not? Lo and behold, their in house counsel contacted me today more than interested. Yay. Not only can I talk about social media marketing legal aspects, I can talk first hand too (with some results) about the straight-up marketing part. This is not to say it will necessarily bring me work, but I like the exposure. That is what social media is all about. And I like being at the cusp of something new. Very fun.


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Super interesting stuff. I was at seminar this month and part of it was on social media and its interplay in litigation, jury trials, etc.

I love my iphone, but don't like that I can't carry it with me on runs. Too big so had to carry it in my hands. I dropped it once. Spilled gatorade on it once and tripped the water sensor and broke it. So now it stays at home while I run.

Sabbatical? How come? I thought now you were set on Boston, then Grandmas. Hope the time off does you good! Keep us posted.

Mindi said...

Thanks! I guess I should have elaborated on SHORT sabbatical. This week and maybe next. Need to get some snap back into the legs. PERFECT week to do it given its been ridiculously cold. I am looking forward to daylight and highs around 20 (hopefully no wind) this weekend!

Maria said...

Great subject matter! My company builds a lot of functionality and applications with a tight integration to social media. In fact it was b/c I took this job that I joined Facebook. :-)

Have fun and enjoy your break!

Greg said...

Getting paid to do something you're excited about sounds like a good gig. Enjoy!