Holy crap, has it really been 8 weeks? I don't know why, but it sure doesn't feel like it. I think I should be feeling fitter and stronger at this point than I am. I hate to sound negative, because I am really trying to get my head into this, but I am a bit disappointed at how slow I still am and how high my HR is. Maybe this Daniels-ish thing is not for me? Typically now I am doing long tempo runs and similar mileage, but more differentiated. Now I run 7-8 most days, 10-11 one day, and a long run. With Pfitz, I did a couple 5s, a mid week long run 12-15, a long run and a 9-10.
Or maybe I am just burnt out after last year? I have no idea. I will keep trucking on and hope things start looking up some. One factor this season I have really had is muscle soreness. I have had plenty of seasons I was running faster and just as many miles and was fine. Today, by the end of my 18 miler I was already sore. Not cool. I am really trying to stay well hydrated and eat good foods post race. Not sure what to think of it all. I probably need to start running some true recovery runs (by HR, not time). I have had some SLOW runs (which corresponded to old recovery times, but had regular training HRs). Ack. I refuse to just chalk it up to getting older. D@mmit. 36 is not old enough to be as decrepit as I have felt lately! :)
I am also not so sure my training is likely to improve a whole lot any time soon as I am getting crazy busy with work! This is a good thing, but training will certainly be challenging. Life has been a whirlwind with lots of great opportunities and John's job change. We have had early mornings and late nights and had to shuffle who could do what for 3 weeks straight. No real end in sight either! Not to mention I have a trial in federal court the week before Boston (scheduled for the full 5 days). I thought it would settle by now, but it is looking unlikely (at this point anyway). Crazy. That is a big reason why I signed up for Grandma's - if I get derailed, I still should have plenty of time.
Onto the data:
R: 8.5 (9:19) / core
W: 8 easy (9:32) / core
R: 7.5 with 4.5 x 800 m - didn't have time to do the entire workout and spent too much time warming up (I forgot I had limited time until I was halfway done with the workout). Half Mile Intervals (3:46, 3:30, 3:28, 3:40, 1:36 for.23). Felt WAY harder than they should have for those paces / arms
F: 7 easy (9:36) - dog tired / buns&thighs pilates
Sa: 5.1 with 5K race with my son (32:00)(again, yay!); 6 easy (9:26)
Su: 17.8 hilly (9:11) - hard run as it was raining, crazy windy and very hilly
Total: 60
Last but not least, security update: I talked to my neighbor who also runs early and he said he has seen a light truck trolling the neighborhood early on Monday mornings. He thought they were trolling to go through garbage that was left out. Monday is trash day, but what I saw was on a Thurs and Weds respectively. He said he'd keep a look out too. As for me, I was glad to run in the daylight this weekend!
Mindi- I am not a coach, but I do pretend to be one :-) I would suggest a BIG cut-back week... maybe no more than 30 miles... it sounds like you're over-trained. You may want to run every other day until you feel "good."
Best of luck.
HMMM. Thanks, QS. I will take that to heart. On Friday morning, I was dog tired, seemed as though the better exercise would be sleep. Lots of crazy stress too. Hopefully things will chill some. I greatly appreciate your straight-up insight. Thanks. Adjustments underway. I agree that something needs to change.
I was thinking "getting older" and then read your pre-denial. I can definitely tell a difference between 33 and 38. Sorry. You can overcome it to some extent with rest, ice, stretching and all that good stuff. Younger legs for older runners is about the best running blog on the web.
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