In large part, my absence has been due to how crazy busy I have been, in small part due to me being very torn about my training.
Here is the down and dirty on the training part:
Last June when I started Capitol Mile training, my hamstrings were somewhat strained. I never really got over that. During my haphazard, yet highly aggressive Chicago training, I had continually tight hammies, a sore L hip and a sore L foot (both forefoot and heel depending on the day). I took off a ridiculously long time after Chicago to recover both mentally and physically. Now, 4 weeks into my Boston training, I don't feel like I achieved recovery on either aspect.
The physical part is the most frustrating. I have a sore L hip and foot and my hammies are still tight. Come on! I took 6 weeks off, lost all fitness, yet have no real recovery. That brings us to the mental part. It SUCKS trying to run on the treadmill and log 40+ miles with nagging aches and pains. Did I mention I was slow and my HR was through the roof? Ack.
So here are my last 2 weeks:
M: rest
T: 3.22 (9:20/treadmill) - ran as long as I could until the boys stopped me to do presents for John's birthday.
W: 9 (9:04 / treadmill)
R: 8.05 (9:10 / outside!)
F: Nada! Celebrate 10th anniversary / have vows recognized by the church (we originally had a civil ceremony and were married by John's grandmother) / travelled to Nashville
Sa: 8ish wonderful miles throughout Nashville - lots of hills / bridges / stairs - fun way to see the city, but Garmin did not cooperate
Su: pilates/stretching - hip insanely sore and I was upset. Yeah, I had a workout Sat., but hip should not have felt like that.
Total: 28 and change
M: rest
T: rest - sore hip and crazy busy
W: 8 (9:15 / treadmill)
R: 5.27 - crazy run. Slick slushy roads. Ran outside for 4 and came in because the microspikes were hurting my arches. After 12 minutes or so on the treadmill I was freaked out because I couldn't see properly. At first I thought it was my eyes adjusting after coming in from the WHITE snow, but it was not going away and I had black in the middle of my field of vision. I literally thought I was having a stroke or something. Stopped running, showered, and BAM! (cue Emerrill) got slammed with a migraine. Took me a while to figure out what it was because I never get them. Thankfully it was Christmas Eve and my sister (who gets them all the time) figured it out after I was useless for 1.5 hours and swooped in with good meds. Had a dull headache for the next 12 hours, but my head was no longer exploding. Not cool.
F: 12 (9:21 / outside) - CHRISTMAS!! Decided to do my "long" run because the roads were relatively clear. I was exhausted as we were up late with neighbors and the boys were up by 4:30 am ready for SANTA!! We had a great Christmas and I loved being able to run and say "Merry Christmas" to everyone I saw.
Sa: 7.7 (9:40 / outside / slushy, snowy, icy)
Su: 9 with 5 x 90 sec hill repeats on the treadmill
Total: 42
So, the short story is I am a terrible "athlete" to coach because I haven't really stuck to my schedule, I am a mess physically and I am unmotivated. The good news is I am actually feeling better now and I actually enjoyed (gasp) the hill workout on the treadmill yesterday.
Not sure where I am going though. I will (hopefully) improve in the next couple weeks and be fine. If not, I will drop miles, run Boston very casually and then hope to rock something in the fall. I prefer option 1, but I am going to try to go with the flow.
I have been very busy at work, but my hours (yes, I am a slave to the billable hour) have sucked because I have been busy speaking, writing articles, courting clients and updating books on Internet law. Oh yeah, and I went on a fabulous vacation and am celebrating Christmas. Whew (take III). I love my job, but it is stressful. Thank goodness I run.
Big news coming down the pipeline for my family soon. 2010 is going to be great. Happy Holidays to you all! Since I completely dropped the ball on Christmas cards, New Years cards should be coming out, um, in the new year. :D
Mindi, as you know I spent almost all summer running on the 'mill (90 mile weeks and a lot of 22 milers!). After a while, I just got used to it, but it took a while for my mind to give in.
I find that if I'm always changing things, it goes by very quickly. If I try to run just one pace, even if it's a short run, it seems to take forever. Try mixing in hills, then little surges...if I always have a plan about hitting a button it keeps my mind a bit happier.
I'm certain you'll be back soon enough, sometimes those aches and pains go away once we get on a schedule. Good luck!
Yikes, and I thought my life/running was crazy! You take the prize. Hang in there - things are bound to get better. The fact that you enjoyed the hill workout is a good sign! You could always back out of Boston and come join Maria, Lora and I at Illinois - show us the ropes and pace us to PR's (which would be a cake walk for you!)
LOVE Nashville. Lived about 25-30 miles from there for 3 years, met the Mrs. there. Things will get better.
For everyone else that's commented, I know I'll sound like a broken record (so bear with me peeps!) but I have had the same issues with my hamstrings. They are perpetually crabby and tight and they made it impossible to enjoy running for the longest time. Yoga was my savior. Now I still have times when they're not quite as happy as they could be but yoga has helped address some of the muscle imbalances and core strength that I was lacking. Might be worth a shot, even a simple practice of 15-20 mins. after the kiddos go to bed ??
Happy Anniversary!
I know the stopped-running-for-a-while-and-don't-exactly-feel-better feeling. Hang in there. We're going to get better!
And don't worry about your coach. You have to listen to your body, stress levels, etc. He should understand.
Thanks, all!
Jen: I could never keep up with you on the mill. You are amazing! But it is getting easier.
Cindi: that is incredibly tempting....hmmmm.....
KP: thanks! Maria: I have a big issue with yoga (you don't even want to go there) but I really do need to keep up with my pilates. I know this. It is a time/priority issue.
Greg: I hope you are right. Today I got busted today from a colleague with limp. Damn. I didn't think it was that bad. Doesn't hurt running. But once I sit all day in front of the computer and get up. Geriatric city. :(
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