Saturday, November 7, 2009

Well this should be interesting . . .

In 2 short hours I will be lining up for the Tyranena Beer Run Half Marathon. The crazy part is that I have not run in a week. Not once. Monday was a planned rest day and Tuesday-Wednesday I had a nasty cold. My stomach hurt so bad, there was no way I could run (I tried on Wed). Thursday and Friday my husband was not there in the am so I couldn't go out. Oh yeah, and I was really busy with work and social events every night.

I think my body definitely needed the rest, and I really don't feel bad taking a whole week off (again). BUT, I am quite nervous about trying to race a half marathon after doing absolutely nothing!

The weather is beautiful (60s), which is a welcome break. Should be fun. Hopefully I won't embarass myself too much. :)

Update: Okay, that was not so much embarassing (it probably *should* have been though) as it was painful. Despite my better judgment, I decided to run it hard (what a shock?!). By mile 2 I wished I could stop. That is not good in a half marathon. By 6 I knew the wheels were falling off so I stopped to borrow a cell phone to call John and the boys and tell them not to come to the finish or they'd be late to their football game. I then saw Donovan and another runner, and it was nice to run with others. I felt crappy though and walked and then ran into a couple more friends. Cool! But I just felt crappy and let them go and did the walk/run thing. It was hot and I was starting to feel dizzy. Not sure why - maybe my head cold? Maybe just not my day? I finished in 2:05:xx (I think). Slowest race to date. But it actually was really fun as I had run into so many friends. Truthfully, had I not invited a bunch of friends to join me today at it and my husband's gig tonight on Facebook, I probably wouldn't have gone. But I am glad I did, not matter how ugly. :) Now I am going to grab some food, churn out some work and then get ready to hang with some friends.

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

A beer run sounds like a good one to do without having run in a week! You will still beat my best time, I bet!