Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Last week versus this week

Last week.

This week... And I graduated from headaches to full blown yuckiness this week. Pleasant. So no running today. Tomorrow we'll see.

It was very windy this weekend and suddenly all the fall colors (and leaves) are gone. It is cold and barren. Winter is here. Resistance is futile, but I will resist anyway.... I have tried to enjoy shuffling through the big piles of leaves though. :)

Have been trying to get my GOTR stuff together, but have gotten MAJOR pushback as far as reserving facilities goes. And it really makes me mad. I have gotten full support until this point and now they won't provide easy access to the facilities unless I get some sponsor (like a principal or PTO, all of whom have said no - they love the idea, but don't sponsor individual groups or it would be hard to draw the line with others). Red tape. There are actually PLENTY of facilities in the school district, I just need help finding appropriate rooms on appropriate dates that are consistent for 10 weeks. But the lady in charge wasn't all too keen on that so I am sifting through the district's calendar, school by school, room by room, week by week. Unfortunately, there is no community center here I could use and I really don't want to ask one of the churches. And the crazy thing is we won't use the gyms unless it is really bad weather. It is all for backup. But necessary nonetheless. This IS Wisconsin. So.... Sorting it is. I'll figure it out.

It doesn't help that the kids have been on a rip this week. If they aren't flipping out about one thing, it is another. The good news is that our first nanny interview went well. We are taking her for a test drive on Thursday and will have another interview when our lives settle down (Monday?). We have things planned every night this week.

Work has been busy, which is a good thing. Lots of typical IP stuff, but I am also throwing down with some municipalities (constitutional law issues) and am gearing up to file over 100 adversarial proceedings in a bankruptcy case next week. It is amazing it is how expensive it is to go broke. But alas, you must do it right if you want to continue doing business (or sell the business).

Happy November 3.

1 comment:

bryan said...

Hope you're feeling better soon Mindi!