Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coming Up for Air

Whew! This week has been a WhIrLwInD and it is only Thursday. The good news is that I am swamped, have lots of billable hours and that the week is FLYING by. The bad news is I have gotten very little sleep, my HR is high and I haven't quite hit my scheduled miles.

The work front is cranking away in a very positive way. As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, lay-offs are coming fast and furious in law firms these days and mine has not been immune. However, I have been absolutely swamped the last couple of weeks. I had a big brief due today in federal court, which is now filed (as of this afternoon), so I can now let out a deep breath and move on to the 750 other things I have put off. A good situation to be in now. So, I'll take it.

But, considering I've had some very pressing deadlines lately (as has my husband) and the mornings have been well below 0 degrees with the windchills, my running has suffered a little. Here is the start of my week:

M: planned rest

T: Scheduled for 8 with 5x600m. Still a bit beat up from my MP run so I just ran the 8 (9:01).

W: Scheduled for 11. Wasn't going to happen as my husband had to leave at 5:30 am and I had to get kids on the bus and get cranking at work. Did 5 w/5x600 meters (90 sec recoveries). Had to run on treadmill as it was -8 outside with 30 mph winds! Intervals: 6:57, 6:53, 6:53, 6:51, 6:43. Felt relatively easy on the mill, but a bit awkward.

T: Scheduled for 10. Did 7 (8:46) on the treadmill (again, well below 0 and my husband left early).

So this leaves me 3 miles short of schedule even if I shift things around. I plan to bug out of work early tomorrow (fingers crossed!) and run 12 (instead of that 11 miler I missed) and if I run 6 on Saturday (instead of 4), I should be fine.


On other news, I had my kindergartner's parent teacher conference today. So cute. He is a model student. Almost a brown-nose. No sign of his usual at-home naughtiness at school. Boy does he have them snowed. :) Seriously, I am so proud. I am so lucky to have such smart, healthy and fun kids.

Now I am going to go crash....

1 comment:

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Sounds like things will pan out ok on the running schedule. It's so tough when work and the weather don't cooperate (your week sounds like mine, only I'm pretty sure I won't manage to hit my 63 miles scheduled, since I'm only at 28 miles so far!)

But you are right, being busy at work in this economy is a good thing! Take it while you can!