Saturday, November 22, 2008


Wonderful. I have developed a nasty nasty head cold. Yech. It took so much energy for me to get out and run today because it was so cold. We have hit winter full on this week.. When I ran on Thurday, it was 22 or something, but weather channel said "feels like 9 degrees." And yes it did. Today, it was 35 when I left, but with the winds I was very cold the entire time. Unlike the last several weeks, this is NOT my fave time of the year to run. But as I told myself during my run today, I have a long 6 months of me so I better saddle up and improve my attitude.

Joe+ had a birthday this week - HAPPY HAPPY!

Salty had peanut today. What a miraculous, wonderful time. As I read her news I enjoyed thinking back to those days. Absolutely priceless. Congrats Laura and Mike!

My friend Steve is running Philly tomorrow - GOOD LUCK! I will be cheering for you! He is a machine running Milwaukee Lakefront in October, a couple weeks later doing his first 50K and now hitting Philly for marathon redemption. He is in great shape and will nail it if life cooperates (cough, attitude!!), no doubt it will be a great race.

Greg is in full taper. Focus - you are going to kick @ss! I know it.

Cindi is back in action - I knew it wouldn't be long!

I'm hoping to log 30 miles this week with 4 runs, then regroup. I am getting a lot too soft and slack for my own good and my own sanity.

1 comment:

Greg said...

I hope you feel better soon.

In the summer, I always swear I won't complain about winter running. I'll try to stick to it this year!

Thanks for the kick in the @ss :-)