Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Whew, that was a relief!

Today I had my first work performance review in, well, 8 years. Sheesh. Ordinarily I wouldn't be too worried about it because I have received very positive feedback from both clients and other attorneys I have worked with. However, my mentor confided to me that we were making some cuts due to the economy (and undoubtedly as a good time to unload some dead weight).

Plus, for the last several years, I was the boss. I reported to no one. Things have changed. The good news was that I got a great review and a raise. Whew (cue wiping brow).

Running has been good, but of course light. I am in the single-digit count down to my fall marathon. I even get the 5 day forecast tomorrow!!

I ran 12 on Sunday with a 5K. I ran the 5K hard, but I did not kill myself over it. I believe my time was 23:14. One of my worst 5K times, but I was happy as it was a nice hard effort, but nothing that would jeopardize my race on Sunday. I have to say it was HOT though and I was suddenly very glad I did not sign up for Chicago.

Monday I rested and made sure to do all of my core work and leg stretches.

This morning I had my last "workout." 7 miles with 2 at MP. I logged the 2 at 8:03 and 8:00 respectively, which I was happy with given the terrain. However, I sincerely doubt that is anywhere near my current marathon pace. For now, the plan is to try to run 8:10s to 8:15s and hope I can pick it up around 15. I am afraid if I go out at 8:00s I may bomb and I am just not in the mood for that type of race. :)

The weather looks good this weekend so far (knock on wood). I am still looking at Grand Rapids as well as Columbus. I am signed up for Columbus, but if the temps are much cooler (i.e. highs in 50s rather than 60s), I may go there. It will save me 3+ hours driving time each way and I know I like the course. But if the weather is substantially the same, I will stick to the original plan. And I hate to sound like I am shopping for my race (although I admit I am and frankly my plan from the beginning was given my crap weather year last year, I would pck a race that had options), BUT Columbus is over 8 hours away and thanks to all of my non-billable time lately, I need to drive back right after the race so I can work on Monday morning. Booooo.

On the upside: My current running skirt (skirt sports) is pretty beat-up and the compression shorts underneath have a couple holes in them. So I wanted a new one for my race. I ordered one from skirtsports.com a couple weeks ago only to find that they have resized and I needed to order a size down. Wouldn't you know they don't have any smalls left? Only L, XL, XXXL etc. I have been checking on a daily basis to see if they get anything in. No luck. BUT, I found this place called Sole Sports Running on Saturday. Not only did they have my cool new skirt, but also in my size and for a slightly lower price! They gave me free shipping and I already received it today!! Awesome. I highly recommend them if you need any gear. [I got both the black and red skirts with white stripes on the side and they are awesome].

On a final note, I was all excited in my last post about RSS in Outlook, but it seems like it is no longer regularly checking for updates. Anyone know how to fix this?

9 miles to go.....


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

Way to go on the review/raise!

Ok, your bad 5k is 3 seconds faster than my best!

I am excited to hear how you do this weekend! Sounds like you are all set.

Quinto Sol said...

Congrats on the raise!

And I think your plan for the 'thon sound rock solid... good luck!

Greg said...

Good luck on Sunday. Weather looks great! 1 mph wind and 36 at 8am, 49 at 11 am. A little chilly for the start, but bring a throwaway long sleeve and you're good to go.