Sunday, April 20, 2008

Yes, this is how I feel after my long run today...

Today's run was tough. I am embarrassed to say upper 60s/lower 70 degree temps kicked my butt too. I am officially back to being a Wisconsin girl. The Florida girl is LONG gone. I ran slow and had a bit of trouble with the heat. My feet were sore after about 13 miles too. It was quite humbling as 6 months ago I could run 20 in my sleep. Oh well. Today is a new era and I will do with it what I can. This was my first "long" run since last fall and I am happy I got out there. I am still on the fence over whether to do the Madison half or full. The official poll is to the right - tell me whatcha think.

It was a good week for me and another bump in mileage. Everything was very slow. I do need to start adding in some speed again. I was hoping my speed work for the week would be a 5K on Tuesday, but I couldn't fit it in. I need to get more disciplined about doing my workouts.

M - 6.21 (9:42)
T - unplanned rest
W - 4 (8:57)
R - 11.5 (9:42)
F - 5.29 (9:37)
Sa - 5.59 (9:31)
Su - 16.08 (9:39)

GRAND TOTAL: 48.7 miles - an improvement for my mileage.

Good luck to everyone running Boston tomorrow!!

Oh yeah, and for those of you who are like me and just entering spring - don't forget the sunscreen! We have a beautiful low 70s day, but I now have a wicked sunburn for running in it for 2.5 hours w/o sunscreen! Ack! Yep - bodyglide too. I have some nasty wicked chafing. Boy how easy it is to forget these things after turning an opaque shade of white and running for months in frigid weather!!

It has been a rough week for me. My grandma is very, very ill. She has been in poor health for several years and has an iron will to live (some of you may recall the drama I posted on coolrunning (Mainstream Racing) just before Des Moines 2006).... But her body is finally drop-kicking her amazing will. Also, my husband's great aunt, who is a spectacular woman and interestingly enough a nun at a Dominican Monastery in Buffalo, had a massive stroke last week and is pretty much in a vegetative state.

Sometimes life just isn't nice.

So we should enjoy what we've got when we've got it. It is a gorgeous day. I just bought some flowers and I am getting ready to grill out with family and some good friends.



mainers said...

Had to laugh at the picture today Mindi! Glad you are getting back to it though and the better weather will help. Sorry to hear about family, puts it all in perspective...

bryan said...

I second that; puts it all in perspective... I'm very sorry to hear about your relatives. And happy to hear how well you are living life.

Anonymous said...

Ah Mindi, sorry to hear about the family illness. No matter how old a family member is, serious illness is can really be a serious emotional tax.

Per training: you know and I know that you got to run the crap workouts before starting to hit the good ones. That's the thing about fitness: it comes back. And will in your case.