Sunday, April 27, 2008

So it looks like I will go after #6

I just finished running 20 miles. Unlike yesterday, it was ideallic running weather - just under 50 degrees, a mild wind and a variation between cloudy conditions and a touch of sun. Perfect. My friend Mark ran the first 13.1 with me, then I did the last 7 on the trail solo. It was nice. So barring hot or otherwise horrible weather on May 25, I will likely line up for my sixth marathon to run the Madison marathon.

I am enjoying everyone's input on my poll - please keep it coming.

Crazylegs was crazy. It was low 40 degree temps, but sustained winds of 20 mph and gusts of over 30 mph. 90% of the race was in a headwind and it is a tough course (lots of hills). But, alas, it was a lot of fun. My firm had a team and we all met up pre-race, where I quickly realized that I was clearly the running geek out of the crew! :) I went out for a warm up and after .6 I looked at my Garmin - pace 6:40? What?! That is not a warm-up - SLOW DOWN. I'm not sure what my problem is, but when it is cold, I seem to like to move. So I completed a very short warm-up then lined up in my corral. Just after 10 a.m., off we went! I felt really good, but looked at my Garmin as I was running up the first hill - .4 miles 5:51 pace!! Yikes! SLOW DOWN! I certainly did not feel that fast! So I slowed down and people were just flying by me. This is what happens at big races (everyone going out way too fast) and I am just not used to it.

BUT, after I slowed down I continued through the run and hit some admittedly painful spots. Painful due to the fast start, hills, wind and race pain in general. I was not mentally tough and had a lot of self-doubt. This is where the speed work really pays off for me. I really need to start up on that again next week! :)

The finish line for Crazylegs is the 50 yard line of Camp Randall - it is always a fun finish. I had an extra gear and came blazing across the finish line. My time was 36:26. This was not a very impressive time for me, but given my current training, I was perfectly happy with it. And it was over an 8 minute course PR too. :)

I waited for my husband and ran into some friends, which was fun. There was free beer and a band, but it was too darn cold for either. In addition, we had to walk a bit over 2 miles to get back to the start where my car was. I wanted to run, but my husband's legs were trashed and he was not having it. So I froze my butt off in my little running skirt as we walked back. All in all, it was a very good day though.

Weekly Recap:

M - 4.07 recovery (9:38)
T - 8.13 (9:22)
W - 4.08 progression (8:09 ave)
R - rest - I decided to spend my extra hour with my kids
F - planned rest
Sa - 8K race (36:27 - stats: OA - 977/9033; AG (30-34) - 145/1568; Gender AG: 15/683
Su - 20 miles (9:04) - last mile was the fastest.

Total: 42.3 miles


Greg said...

Glad to see you back at it. 15/683 F30-34 is pretty good. Geez, there were 683 F30-34???? That's a big race.

Already paranoid about the weather and hills for this Sunday, I was scoping out backup marathons (I'm pitiful, I know), but missed Madison. Good luck.

A Deal Or No Deal said...

Is that really such a bad time? A 36-minute 8k is about a minute slower than you'd have split in your 10k PB, which I'm guessing was on a flat course in good weather. The only 8k I run all year is a hilly race in bad weather (Daniel Komen ran it in 22:34 two years before his 7:59 2-mile). My PB there is 30:16, I hit 8k en route to my 10k PB in 29:35.

Give yourself more credit. While we're at it, I'm very impressed you can go out and run 20 miles just like that.

Quinto Sol said...

Nice job on the 5-miler and good of your hubby to run the race as well.

As for the 20-miler, isn't nice to finish a long run with energy to spare? So much that the last mile ends up being the fastest? :-)

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a monstee headwind to throw a wrench in the gears...seriously, I agree w/ Adeel. I think you're not as out of shape as you think.

Mindi said...

Thanks for the encouragement. And I guess I came off more negative than I felt. I was actually pretty satisfied with my race results and I think I am coming back into my own with my mileage. I just know my lack of speed work is not helping me - my lack of mental toughness was well noted in my last couple of races. My racing mojo needs a return! And of course I am up a few too many pounds which causes probably more of a mental obstacle than the very real physical obstacle. BUT, I am working on it!

I think running Madison will be big for me. I never thought I would be able to pull it off in the first season (if you will) of returning to work. BUT, I have quickly realized that I need to continue to embrace my running (even if it means significantly less sleep and more wrinkly eyes :) for my own well-being. SO it is a work in progress. And I am very happy overall. Although again, I do feel like a damn slacker over my weight gain. I have never gained this much weight before - EVER - and considering the short time period it is especially intimidating. Shoot, I am going to be 400 lbs before the year is out at the rate I'm going! :)

Seriously though, it goes to show how active I was as a stay at home mom - constantly on the run - as opposed to now where my mind is finally (over)active, but lazy behind is stuck in a chair all day.

A big change.

Thanks Adeel for the breakdown on race stats. Seriously. I'd never take the time to figure it out like you presented it. I just thought, well 15 seconds off my 10K PR per mile and it is less than 5 miles - not good.

bryan said...

That's the longest post comment on one's own blog I've ever seen. :)

Looks like you did pretty awesome.

So, you're kind of toasting me now on the yearly mileage... for the moment.

It is pretty tough balancing a law office, a family, and a running habit. If you figure out how to do it, let me know.

A Deal Or No Deal said...

Yeah, many of her posts are shorter...

Mindi said...

LOL. Enough already. So I like to "talk" a lot. Sheesh. I was in the office from 6 am until 9 pm tonight. I like to chat about the fun things. You people are a tough crowd.

I'd elaborate on why but I'm too damn tired. ;)

Hubitron said...

Congrats Mindi! A twenty miler after a 5 miler...I've done that after a 5k, but I would have thought those extra two miles make a big difference in leg deadness...especially after a mentally challenging race (what with the weather and all). Good week.

Sorry to have dropped off the face of the planet there for a bit (re: your last comment on my blog).

Kel said...

You have been tagged by Kel.
1) Write your own six word memoir
2) Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you want
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links
5) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play