Tuesday, April 8, 2008


No, not Salty, just plain salty! Yep, that awesome, stinky wonderfulness that you experience after a good run in the heat. And of course I don't really mean heat, but both of my runs last weekend were in 60 degree weather. I actually sweat during those runs and had that familiar salt residue all over me when I was done. Pure bliss. Heh. The things that make me happy. :) It really was fun though - it also harkened back to the days of frothy Endurox. Hopefully those will be in my future soon too.

I have been crazy busy at work. It was a gorgeous weekend (relatively speaking) and I spent most of it working. Oh well, when it rains it pours....

Greg had a great race - congrats

Joseph is coming into his own once again. Good luck on Thursday, man.

Aharmer and Northwoods Bryan have a big race coming up this weekend. GOOD LUCK!!!!

Joe+ is on the DL - get better soon!

Mainers is overseas enjoying a few pints with curry! Really!

No word from Hubitron in a while - hopefully his transitions/possibilies are going well.

I have been quiet on the blog arena b/c my running is pretty non-descript and as mentioned above, I am crazy busy. But progress is being made. My week:

M - rest
T - 6.5 miles (9:20)
W - 6.22 (8:51)
R - 5.06 (8:33)
F - rest
Sa - 8.7 (9:17)
Su - 12 (9:45)

Total: 38.5

Had I known I was close to 40 I would have logged an extra 1.5 on Sunday. But my legs were like lead on Sunday. Just tired. I haven't had the discipline to do any speed work lately. It is somewhat pathetic, but I am trying not to let running stress me. It is "my time" more than "training time" right now.

I have the MadCity 100K relay this weekend. I am in pretty hideous shape and still up 5 lbs so we'll see what happens. Again, I could use the ego check as a kick in the pants.

I ended up 3rd in my racing bracket for March Madness (damn Kansas!). 5K race in on Tuesday the 14th - I SO look forward to it. It should be a very small group of some fun people.

Run on my friends.


Bryan said...

Thanks Mindi!

If you see a dark cloud rising on your northern horizon this Saturday morning, that will be the cloud of mud flying up around our feet.

Mindi said...


I certainly hope so! You will do great! Just remember to adjust for conditions. People have told me that so many times and I ignored it only to be disappointed. Re adjust your goals and realize everyone is in the same boat. It sucks - especially for such long races that you have pushed for the PR, but my experience is that if you push though and bomb, you are disappointed. If you re-adjust and exceed your goals, well, it is a good season. :)

You will rock, I have no doubt. Just enjoy it too! I look forward to your race report

Bryan said...

Sage advice. Don't you worry, I will both enjoy it and rock it.

Anonymous said...

Mindi, thanks for the nod. Things are generally good--did a workout yesterday and felt all right--still some dead-leggedness, but not as bad as last week...just taking it easy.

Greg said...
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Greg said...

Hey, I got mentioned! It really doesn't take much to make me happy I guess :-)

39 miles is pretty good for a running lawyer super mom type. Glad to hear you're out there.

Adam said...

Hey Mindi, good news on your training. Almost 40 miles with a hectic schedule isn't so bad. Good luck in MadTown this weekend. I'd love to do the 100k there but the last road 100k I did almost killed me...kind of soured me on all of them.

Lloyd said...

Hi Mindi,

Have fun running your leg at the 100k relay. Before long you'll get your mojo back. :)

I'm going to be in town for the Mad City Marathon (pacing.) I wonder if you live nearby. I owe you an introduction!


Mindi said...

Thanks all!

Did the rain let up in MN? It has been windy and rugged here. I truly am thinking of the trails in MN. I had a conference call this afternoon and was just watching the rain and blowing winds thinking of Bryan and Adam. I do hope it missed you today.

Lloyd - awesome to hear you will be in town! I am in Madison. Planning to run the half. What group are you pacing? We should definitely hook up! E-mail me for futher details. I'm happy to be Madison's ambassador to rootsrunner :)

I look forward to meeting you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mindi! Your running looks great :) Your positive outlook on running and life is really contagious.
