Saturday, April 12, 2008


OK, so I will start off by saying that I am ready to move back to Florida. Ok, not really, but this weather is frustrating. Today it was 32-36 degrees (that is the variance between the high and low) with 20 mph winds and snow. Boy am I sick of that!

I was leg #2 of the 100K relay. I initially planned to run a 7:45 pace for my 20K. But given the weather and the tough course, I was thinking 8:00 average pace was more like it. Well, I was wrong. Leg 1 was 8:10 pace, leg #2 was 8:30 pace, all for a 8:20 average. And my HR was in the low 180s the whole time, which I thought was crazy. I am just not used to wearing my HRM in races, but considering my lactate threshhold is around 176, having 180s for one hour and forty some minutes didn't seem right. I got my kick in the pants and some motivation after this race!! :)

But enough on that. This year was the second running of the 100K National Championships in Madison. Incidentally, the second year of very cold, windy weather. I was absolutely AMAZED at the runners who ran the 100K solo race. Greg Crowther won last year and was there again this year. He actually flew past me at my mile 6.5 (probably around mile 25 for him). Very cool. Michael Wardian also flew past me early in the race. He was FLYING! I don't know what his end time was (race results are not yet posted), but he was running around 6:20s or 6:30s in my estimation. Before I left, he was coming in for another lap (this race is 10 10K laps) and the announcer mentioned it was his 6th consecutive 10K in under 40 minutes. Holy cow! My friend Brad also ran it - his first 100K. I don't think he is finished yet (probably any minute), but he looked great. I cannot image running 100K. Let alone this course, these conditions. As I mentioned, the weather was pretty brutal. But the course is also not only very hilly, but a fair bit of it is on cement sidewalks too. Ouch. I have great respect for all of the brave folks out there! And of course I thought of Bryan and Adam at Chippewa - I hope the race went well for you!

This afternoon we went bowling with the boys. Much needed. Both my husband and I are TOO busy... Now I am not being ungrateful, I am happy for the work, but the working on the weekends thing is not my favorite.

Oh yeah, and my plans may change! Rootsrunner is pacing the Madison Marathon 3:50 group. I admit that the Madison Marathon is not too appealing as it is a relatively tough course and is known for consistently crappy weather. And I admit that I never thought I'd make a goal of a 3:50 marathon. HOWEVER, I think it sounds like a whole lot of fun to hang with roots and log a spring marathon even though I did not think it would be possible this year. If I can fit in a couple of long runs in the next few weeks, I just may do it!

Of course, congrats to Salty on her awesome news. I whole heartedly disagree with Adeel and Joseph on the baby names though!!!

Have a great weekend!

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