Saturday, March 8, 2008

A flu bug and a 10 miler

Yesterday I woke up and I felt like a ton of bricks landed on my head and chest. Not cool. The flu is running rampant around these parts and I HOPE I do not have it. Unfortunately, the body aches, respiratory issues, head cold and general malaise I am experiencing do not bode well. It is very annoying too because I was slow at work and finally got around to putting together a decent spring schedule.

I did get in a good workout on the treadmill this week (7 miles with 10x2 min at CV, 1 minute rest). And despite feeling like utter crap, I did a 10 miler today. This is the longest run I have done in MONTHS. It was insanely cold, but it was nice to get out there. It cleared my sinuses and my body aches actually lessened. Hopefully I will not pay for it tomorrow.

I am planning to run a 5K next weekend. I have no idea what to expect. While I am not 100% out of shape, I am FAR from PR shape. I can tell you that no one will accuse me over overtraining and I am not injured. :) I figured I would just get out there and do it as a baseline race. There is no where to go but up from here. My schedule will take me to a half marathon in late May. I'm not sure what my goals are - I think they will come as my training progresses.

It is supposed to be in the 40s next week. Man I hope so. I am ready for this winter to be over!!


Greg said...

Hope you feel better. I'm glad to see you're still pluggin' away.

Kel said...

I know what you mean about being sick of winter. Yesterday I cooked up a Caribbean stew, cranked the heat, put on Marley tunes, and hoisted a few beers. Dissin' winter.

Hope you are doing well!