Tuesday, March 4, 2008

A brush with Lance

Today I went to the Wisconsin Smoke Free rally at the Monona Terrace in Madison in support of legislation banning smoking in all public places in the state. The key note speaker was Lance Armstrong. While he may not be into marathon training, :) he is an amazing athlete who has done a whole lot for this country in the fight against cancer. So of course I attended. It was a great event. I am looking forward to the day that our state is smoke free. There were many great speakers with good stories to share and Lance is a veteran at these events. He was a pro and had a great message. This isn't about personal rights, this is about moral rights. So that was the highlight of my day.

Oh yeah, and Brett Farve announced his retirement. Wisconsin doesn't know how to react. Seriously, my 5 year old son's preschool is having a green and gold day tomorrow in tribute to Brett. All hail the king of Wisconsin. :)

Oh yeah - no more green grass as we got more snow and it is about 10 degrees....but I have hope. I do. It cannot be winter forever, right?! The good news is that is was warm enough this weekend to clear the residential streets (for the most part). No more ice pot holes. Prior to 2 months ago, I would have asked what that is. Now I am all to familiar. Dammit.


A Deal Or No Deal said...

I'm sad to hear about Favre too, but at least he went out with a great year, if not a great last pass.

What's an ice pot hole?

Adam said...

Favre. Couldn't be happier to hear of his retirement for two reasons. First, the Vikings chances at the North title just doubled. Second, I can now proudly claim Favre as my favorite player ever with no guilt attached. I might even buy a Favre jersey, until his retirement I would rather have burned one.

Smoking. You probably won't get much opposition to your viewpoint here. I'm with you 100%, it's one of very few issues that really get me fired up.

Anonymous said...

See, this is why you need to go back to Tallahassee: ice ain't the problem down here. Now 5 degree highs. Oh no, all we get are hurricances. And alligators.

Mindi said...

Ice pot holes are created when you have 3-6 inches of frozen gook on top of the road for an extended period of time. Due to light traffic and some light melting due to the sun. etc., the "ice road" surface becomes very bumpy and uneven.

Perhaps this term was coined this winter in Madison since you have not heard it. Ice pot holes are not cool - they give rise to great fear you are about to blow out your tires.

So there you have it.

No alligators or hurricances though. I'm not sure which I'd prefer at this point.

Mindi said...

Wow Adeel. I now feel like an "ice-neck" - yeah, salt? My little town is on conservation at this point. For the past several years we get one or 2 snow storms, then it all melts. We have literally been blanketed in snow and ice for 2+ months. They only salt the main highways and thoroughfares. Little streets like mine are off the radar. In fact, my whole town, with the exception of the 2 "main" drags have been ice roads for more than a month. Now you see why I am an the effing treadmill. Dammit. You notice I say that a lot lately. I am much more pleasant in weather over 30 degrees. :)