Sunday, March 2, 2008

30 miles and some green grass

Woo hoo! I hit 30 miles this week!! Sound pathetic? Maybe a bit, but it is a HUGE improvement over the 20 mpw I have been averaging for the last couple of months. The big bonus is that I have been able to run outside 3 days in a row. And today I actually got a glimpse of some green grass! It was only a tiny glimpse, and, well, it was more yellowish-brownish-green, but it was a welcome sight nonetheless. Maybe this godforsaken winter will end some day..... Of course we are supposed to get 4 inches of snow tonight and I still have a solid 3-4 inches of ice at the end of my driveway, but oh well. I started to go after the ice with an icepick this afternoon, but decided not to bother. Heh. If I had been tagged by Salty I'd have to name that - I actually have an icepick! Beat that! The only other person that may is Adeel, and ice picks are probably way too "Paul Bunyion" for him. So I am guessing I am the only one on this board with that honor. :) Boy am I cool or what?

Dammit I am in a good mood. It is amazing what 42 degrees and the abililty to pound the pavement will do for the soul!!

I admit my quads are a bit trashed from 3 days of hills. I play with the pace some on the treadmill, but always keep the incline at 0%. I am a bit of a treadmill hill wussie.

Oh yeah, and on a side note, my boys and I did the mint mentos/diet pepsi experiment this morning. It was fun, but not as climactic as they make it look on tv.

The waterpark was highly entertaining. My 5 year old was in hog heaven. Our friends came along so in the evening we let the boys stay up late while we put back some beers and played euchre. Good times.


Hubitron said...

The good weather certainly does lift the spirits, especially after the long cold dark of winter. I'm happiest that the days are getting longer. It's 5pm, and it's not pitch black out! Yay!

Does the soda have to be diet?

A Deal Or No Deal said...

What is this grass of which you speak?

Since your running is getting better, I found your next race:

Mindi said...

Not only does the soda have to be diet, but it must be diet pepsi - not diet coke. We did diet coke yesterday b/c that is all they had at the convenience store we stopped at. Today we got some diet pepsi and it was WAY cooler (like the video).

Thanks for the race link, Adeel. I had never heard of it. Looking at the names of last year's winners, they had some talented runners there.

Adam said...

You have some company in the ice pick department. I not only have an ice pick, but an ice chisel, a hand ice chisel for ice fishing, and a few other tools that have worked in a pinch over the years for removing ice of some kind from different surfaces.

Not much longer now...spring is hurtling toward us.

Greg said...

Glad to hear you're in a good mood. Spring is around the corner!

Kel said...

Sunny days here in the Twin Towns have revived my running spirit too, even if I'm still running on ice. Hang in there Mindi - there have already been robin sightings in these parts!

Bryan said...

Heh... I saw some robins at A. Harmer's Ridge last time we ran there, and that was a month ago or so. Those robins obviously had mutations to their migration instincts and are dead by now.

It looked beautiful out this morning, until I stepped outside into a windchill of 11 below.

Good news though, Daylight Savings time starts this Sunday, at which point sunset is suddenly at 7:10 PM! We will actually have a decent amount of daylight in the evening to run in!