Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Dance

I just ran OUTSIDE for the first time in weeks!! It was very liberating. The roads are still something of a mess in sections, but for the most part I was able to run on the pavement. It was awesome.

I skipped out of work today to play and to pick up my kids early from daycare. I made my hours for the month and hey, today is a "freebie" anyway. No one had to work on February 29 last year right? :)

Tomorrow my baby turns 5. We are going to the Wisconsin Dells to celebrate waterpark style!


Anonymous said...

Nice photo. Reminds me of myself at age 28 :).

Waterparks rock. Seriously. Although, I think an outdoor waterpark would be more fun.

mainers said...

Happy b'day to your littl'un! My eldest was 5 on Thursday!

glad to hear you were able to run outside again!

Mindi said...

Heh. I seriously doubt you looked like that, joseph. At least not the ballet shoes. But again, you are always suprising. ;)

The photo is kind of how I feel about myslef right now - soft. Ack.

Waterparks do rock. And despite the hideous winter, the Wisconsin Dells boast the largest waterparks in the country. Fun times.

Happy Happy to your 5 year old too, Mainers.