Tuesday, January 15, 2008

First run on the mill

And it was great! Well, as great as running on the TM can be! Unlike yesterday, my alarm went off promptly at 5:20 and I hit the treadmill. It wasn't too painful of a prospect as it is insanely cold (and only getting colder) and windy here. I settled in on very easy 9:30 miles. HR was lingering in the low 150s, which is way higher than I like, but I am used to it for now. At 4.5 miles, I turned it up a notch for an 8:00 pace for .5, I then upped it to 7:35 for .35, then 6:44 for the last .15. What I found was that I was just above lactate threshhold at 8:00/miles. Crappy news considering I just ran a marathon at a 7:52 pace. Oh well. I'll get there.

Work is going well. I am going to Milwaukee tomorrow for training on all of the billing systems, document managements systems, etc. Plus I get to turn in all of my forms and get my crackberry set up. I am soon to be a slave to the system, my friends. The good news is that I got some very fun work today so I can start billing! Check me out. The kids are adapting too. My 4 y.o. was in tears as I left him this morning (as was I), but when my husband picked him up, he was pleased to announce he had a GREAT day. Ah, big sigh of relief. I know there will be ups and downs, but it sucks to leave your kid for 10+ hours at a place they do not want to be.

Joseph, I think you are right re too many races. I am torn about it all b/c part of me just wants to train half-heartedly and enjoy the races this spring and not get too concerned about the training aspect. I have a whole lot on my plate right now. And I miss all of my running buddies that I haven't seen since summer! Heh. But I think I am going to ditch that "benchmark" race I mentioned for this weekend. Not only is it a hilly course, but this weekend is projected to have a high of 5 degrees. With the wind chill, it is supposed to be -30 degrees. Yeah, I think I'll sleep in and maybe even pour a little Baileys in my extra cup of coffee!

Aharmer - THANKS for the Hadd info. You rock. I will try it out this weekend!

Oh yeah, and thanks Adeel for the tempo advice. As a treadmill novice it would be very easy to fall into the slow/easy routine. I will definitely switch it up - and I know I need to as I feel incapable of that. Heh. That means proving myself wrong. I am always up for that challenge!


The Salty One said...

I'm so glad things are coming together and that the adjustment to all things new is sounding almost effortless!

It's going to be bitter cold this weekend too. I'm hoping one of my local friends will be up for a run, otherwise I'm not sure I'll be able to get myself out there! Mmmm. Baileys...

Kel said...

Mindi, I actually find tempo runs, hill repeats, and speed intervals a little easier on the TM than just slow slogging. Probably because it gives me something to focus on, and I have "to do" something every few minutes (change elevation, speed) which makes time go by a little easier.

Best of luck with the new gig!

sage said...

Mindi, if you're cutting races, consider not cutting Madison on Memorial Day Weekend. There's going to be a sizable KR 30somethings gathering that weekend. Look out Inntowner! I'll be there, too.

Mindi said...

Yeah, I played with the tempos again this morning near the end of my run and it made it a lot more enjoyable. Plus I was able to get a little more bang for my buck as I had limited time.

I am definitely planning on doing the Madison Marathon half. Keep me posted on your plans kotzebue - I'd love to meet up.

Salty, things are not effortless, but they are going very well. I am exhausted, but once I get the administrative stuff done and used to all of the computer/billing/doc management stuff I should be in good shape.