Thursday, December 6, 2007

I am an Ox

So I am bored and was looking at my profile on Blogger. I had typed in my birthdate and it said I was an "Ox" in Chinese Zodiac. Great. So I looked it up to see just what that means.

I discovered I was this: A "Water Ox," which means:

Oxen in China are put on a pedestal. So it goes with Oxen people. Oxen are bright, peace-loving, often easy-going and trusting. But, on the other hand, they can also be stubborn, methodical, and fiercely competitive, with, shudder, fierce tempers to boot. Oxen are natural born mentors and life is filled with examples of people who have gone on to great success because of them. Mentally and physically alert to the point of genius, many Oxen belong to Mensa. They can create the most imposing structures, magnificent sculpture, and homes. They respond like poets to the beauties of nature and of solitude. Oxen are unique, they are The Flower that bursts through the crack of cement.

With Water Oxen you never have to sit around listening to boring lecturing and long-winded yada-yada. Through quiet self-assurance, they simply carry on with life, setting examples by deed, never by words. They make extraordinary leaders. They inspire others to do their best, through kind patience, knowing that even waiters finally come to those who wait. Realistic and open-minded about the foibles of others, they are rewarded with unexpected surprises when people turn around and show their best attributes. Tit for tat!. Their stable careers and "living right" give them the potential to be enormously wealthy, and they frequently are. For Oxen in general, love life is somewhat of a mystery, but immensely satisfying, interwoven very nicely with contrasts of quietude and passion, solitude and togetherness.

So this means I would be very cool in China, right? A pedestal? :) Hee hee. Have you ever read YOUR Chinese horoscope?

Seriously though, it was fun looking at this tonight as I haven't read my horoscope or anything like that in ages. And yeah, for the most part I can relate to it, but supposedly the water ox is every person born in 1973. Um, I'm pretty sure I know a lot of people in that time frame that it does not fit.

My most memorable horoscope was the day my now-husband proposed. My horoscope basically said that someone would ask me to share their life with them. Now I was in love at the time, but my husband is very conservative, and I thought no way! He would never propose during school, before having a job and financial stability, etc. Sure enough, later that day he came to my apartment and popped the question! A shock it was....

BTW - Speaking of profiles - Salty - why are you from the Vatican? I know you had a Catholic wedding, but the Vatican? I do hear it is beautiful! :) Heehee....Speaking of catholocism, it is St. Nicholas Day.

Oh yeah, no running today. :(. Pilates, clearing snow, nothing more, nothing less.

1 comment:

The Salty One said...

I am a total sucker for astrology and tarot and all that. Fitting for my Vatican residency, no? HEh. It's silly. I edited my profile one day and I was trying to scroll down the page but was accidentally scrolling through the country options and landed on the Vatican and thought it was funny so I left it.

That's so cute about your horoscope on the day your husband proposed! Basically I knew it was coming because it was just 3 weeks before the wedding :) I didn't need a horoscope when I already had downpayments on photographers and reception locales--heh. We had opposite situations it sounds like!

I hope the weather warms up for you. It's going to be a balmy 38 or something here today. Warm enough to melt the snow and make tomorrow's course a mud pit. Woohoo!