Thursday, December 20, 2007

Heat Wave

Woo Hoo! It was a balmy 37 degrees today when I went for my run. It was almost tropical! Seriously though, this is my first run this month it has been above freezing. Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. 5.68 miles (8:14 average pace). No HRM today as this was a "clear the mind" run, not a numbers run.


Adam said...

No HRM! Gasp!! You're going to ruin all your hard work. Just kidding, glad you had the nice weather today, I'm getting 37F tomorrow. Was scheduled for a day off but think I'll run anyway. Isn't it funny how we feel obligated to get outside to enjoy 37F???

Mindi said...

aharmer - you KNOW you have to get out there. It could be months before we get a heat wave like this again! :) It was actually funny. After 2 miles, I removed my gloves, tied my fleece jacket around my waist and reminisced about my running skirt. Is that a bad thing?!? Enjoy your tropical weather tomorrow. :)

Adam said...

Is it snowing in WI this morning? I got to do 9M in the snow before first light this morning, my favorite conditions! Also got to help push a couple cars out of snow banks. Are you planning on doing any of the WI trail ultras in 2008? I'll be at Chippewa 50k for sure in April, not sure about any other WI events.

Mindi said...

No snow yet. It is supposed to start around noon, which is when I will have my opportunity to run. It is in the 30s, so I am really looking forward to it.

Ultras? I have never done one, but I am planning to participate in the National Champs 100K here in Madison as part of a relay team. It is not a trail though, it is the UW arboretum loop 10 times. You should consider it - they had a great crowd last year (its inaugural year).

Adam said...

That sounds like a blast, especially a loop format like that with relay teams running with you. When is the race? I have a feeling anything out of state this year will not happen but ya never know!

You haven't done an ultra YET. The virus is still dormant, it'll start to rear it's ugly head soon and you'll be scanning the web for a good first one to try. Once that happens it's all over.

Kel said...

I agree with Adam - you may as well pull out the race calendar and pick a 50K. Just west of the St. Croix river, this is known as being on the "slippery slope" ;)

Hubitron said...

5.68 miles...and you're not thinking about numbers!? At least you didn't report the third decimal :-). The weather *has* been amazingly nice these days. It was 45 on the lakefront when I hit the path yesterday. Today's frostiness makes up for it, I suppose...16 deg is the coldest it's been this year in Chicago, and with the 30mph winds it makes for a chilly outdoors.

Mindi said...

Heh. I guess it was something of a numbers run. ;) The key for me was that I left my HRM at home and just ran for the sake of it. I'm sure if I had it on I would have been horrified at how high my HR was!

We did not get the blizzard predicted, but there is a nice layer of ice on everything. It is a solid 10 degrees, but with the wind chill, -12. Fun Fun. Rather than running, I just popped a cold one and am about to settle in for the Packers/Bears game.