Thursday, December 27, 2007

A couple days late

Merry Christmas everyone. And of course, Happy Holidays to those who do not celebrate Christmas. Whatever you celebrate, I wish you the best.

I had an absolutely wonderful Christmas. My kids were thrilled, but not so overstimulated that they were freaking out (as has been seen in years past). They truly were at the perfect age for Christmas this year. They were so excited to receive AND to give. Lots of pure joy and appreciation. No tears or fits or fights. It was terrific.

Unfortunately, I am a bit of an anxious mess right now. You see, I am a person who needs concrete goals and a plan to get there to be happy. Right now, everything is still a bit unknown, so I don't have any goals or plans. So I am driving my poor husband batty.

In addition, my running has been in pretty pathetic this week. We have also gotten a ridiculous amount of snow this month and the temps lately have been fluctuating between freezing and not freezing, so we have a lot of ice and slush on the streets. And the trails are non-runnable. Both of my runs on Christmas Eve and Christmas were through the slop and it resulted in extraordinarly sore core muscles (thighs, glutes). I took yesterday off to heal up and was hoping to run today, but again the streets are covered in snow. I may just have to battle the treadmill.

Sheesh. Listen to me complain. Sorry folks. Life is truly wonderful for me, so I have no business sounding so whiny. I really do not mean to.
I hope you all have some time off this week to relax, run and celebrate.

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