Sunday, November 18, 2007

Weekly Recap

This week was a bit of an improvement over last week. BUT, I am definitely still in recovery mode. Every time I start feeling like a slacker, I have to keep reminding myself how important it is to take a recovery month. My body and mind will fully appreciate it in a few weeks when I am pushing hard again.

M - 3.7 recovery (9:44)- I cut this one short b/c the top of my L foot was sore and both hip flexors were mysteriously sore.

T - rest

W - 8.3 miles progression (8:07). First mile 8:35, finished at 7:04. Nice to shake the dust off a bit. My foot felt great. The new shoes I tried have got to go. Back to the drawing board.

R - rest

F - 10 miles (8:58)

Sa - 5.33 miles recovery (9:31) - HRM was acting up. It said my resting HR was 74 and .3 into the run it said I was up to 179. Crazy. It seemed to calm down though by about a mile in.

Su - nada. I was hoping to do a long run, but life didn't allow it. It is weird having cold and darkness by 5:00 pm. I'm really not ready for winter.

Total: 27 and change.

I have been slacking on the core work - especially thighs, hip flexors, glutes. I REALLY need to pick that up again this week.

Happy running all....

XC Nationals are tomorrow.


Hubitron said...

Great week! Don't sweat missing a long run these days. I don't think long runs really contribute well to marathon recovery periods anyway. There's a lot of muscle damage that needs to get repaired.

Congrats on the interview!

A Deal Or No Deal said...

Did you go to Florida State by chance?

Mindi said...

Yep. Go FSU!

sage said...

well, your post-marathon recovery is going much better than mine. (but then, you're faster and younger than i am!) it's now 37 days since mine and things are still wonky. oh well.

Bryan said...

Winter has always been my undoing as far as my running habit - until this year that is.

Awesome week, and keep tearing up the ground.