Monday, November 26, 2007

Potential Injury Brewing

I have to report that I am in some pain. My hips hurt - particularly my L one. It feels fine while running, but post run I feel like a little old lady. SO, I took yesterday off and am taking today off as well. Now I am just trying to figure out why. I have been really running light mileage lately and have been running ridiculously slow paces. My best guess is that I need new shoes. Unfortunately, I can no longer find "my shoe." I was in the Mizuno Alchemy 6s and they are pretty much impossible to find in my size. And of course the 7s are nothing like the 6s. They are clunky and they do not have nearly the same support the 6s had, which I need. I tried out 2 new pairs and both were bombs (and probably contributed to my hip issues). So, I broke down and ordered a pair of 7s. They are the closest thing I can find.

Man, this stinks.


Anonymous said...

Ah man, Mindi, that stinks. But it's good you're nipping it in the bud. Who knows what's creeping up. It could simply be the shoes, but it might be a strength issue. Best to have a doc take a look at it. And for now, just chill...

joe positive said...

Sorry to hear about this potential injury. Which of the muscles in the drawing is giving you touble?

Mindi said...

I would say the pain is at the top left part by my hip bone. So either the Iliacus or ITB band. And as I mentioned, it is weird b/c it is fine when I run, but afterwards it really bugs me.

The Salty One said...

I have trouble with my hips pretty frequently. Usually they don't bug me when I run but sometimes they can ache really really badly laying down or sitting for extended periods of time. I have woken up in the middle of the night with an agonizing hip ache! It can really stink!! It definitely is much better in the summer when I run on trails a lot. It happens most often in the winter when I am confined to cambered roads most of the time. I don't think it's shoe related because I have luckily been rotating the same two models of shoes for a year and a half.

Which brings me to this: why do these damn shoe companies have to keep changing their damn shoes?!!?!? Annoying! I am on my very last pair ever of my favorite adidas trainers. I cleared out my super secret e-bay seller of their last pairs in my size and now I have nothing :( I rotate with Mizuno elixers but my PF tends to flare up if I rely solely on those. Wa.

Any news on the job front?!

Mindi said...

Yeah, don't even get me started on the shoe companies. The quest for the right shoe has proven to be a major challenge for me.

Thanks for asking about the job front. It is going very well. I had a very positive first interview this morning and I have another meeting tomorrow. Wish me luck!!

The good news is that it is keeping me very occupied so I am not too upset about taking a few days off from running.

Kel said...

I am going through the same shoe issue with Mizuno Wave Riders - fit great 6 years ago, will probably have to find something else in the next month or so.

As for the hip thing - I posted something a couple weeks ago on my blog about the most common hip muscle weakness I see in distance runners. A weak gluteus medius often results in the TFL having to compensate, and the TFL is connected to the IT Band, and....yadayadayada......

Mindi said...

kel - you rock. How very timely. I just answered a post on Tuscaloosa's page about imbalances turning to overpronation. I will definitely try your exercises. I went to a PT last summer due to achilles tendonitis and she videotaped me on the TM. I was pronating badly and she said that while overall I had very goo alignment, my L hip was dropping just a little bit during my stride. So obviously a weakness. Thanks again.

Tom said...

I agree with Kel 100% - and even on the same shoe. I started running in the Wave Rider 8 and have liked them less and less with each iteration. That said, I still like them better than anything else I've tried.

Hope your hip is feeling better and those exercises look good.