Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No tropics here

It is 18 degrees here right now. That just isn't right. My R knee, which is arthritic from a childhood injury is currently SCREAMING at me. Of course all the 2.5" heels I have been wearing lately aren't helping, but please - this dry, cold weather is wreaking havoc on my knee. The hip is improving I think. I am on day 3 of no running, but I am doing some good core work incorporating the hips. I am starting to be able to locate the tenderness more easily, so I will work on that area. Kel posted some good exercises that are targeting my area and I intend to try them. Check it out.

As far as aerobic fitness goes, I am not too worried about it. I have steadily built non-stop for 2 years and feel entitled to a few days rest. Not to mention that it is so very hard to get motivated with this extremely cold, dark weather, but I am trying to look forward overall. I just keep thinking of the elite marathoners who sometimes take a full month off to rest. It is called "downtime." If they can do it, so can I, right?! :)

I have also been very preoccupied with the job search. It is a very small market here for what I am looking for, but fortunately I have some nice people going to bat for me so I have had a couple "interviews." Of course some are just courtesy interviews (courtesy to the person who sent me resume on to them), but even those have lead to getting my name in the door at other places. LOL. And, I did have a good one today that was with a solid firm looking to build. AND I have another tomorrow. Send me some eloquent, intelligent and flat out kick ass vibes if you can.

Happy running and congrats to all of you in a place where it gets over 32 degrees this week. :)


A Deal Or No Deal said...

I didn't get rolling til mid-December last year for a May marathon this year. There's lots of running in 0 F temperatures, don't worry.

The Salty One said...

I have been super wuss about the colder temps this year, myself. I'm not sure what the deal is. I think it's getting better though because I ran on a snowy morning on Friday and actually enjoyed it! Then it got back into the 40's, but was rainy and I wussed on and ran on the mill instead! So, hopefully we'll just get acclimated and better able to cope soon!

Adam said...

Hey Mindi,

Best of luck on the job search. I'm sending over the You'd-be-lucky-to-have-me, you-should-hire-me-because-I'll-make-your-firm-a-better-place vibe. It's a pretty big file, might take a few minutes.

I've always been a wimp outside and stayed on the treadmill. This year I'm investing in some kick ass shoe spikes and hope to spend the winter on trails.

Mindi said...

Thanks aharmer. It is a big one, but I will stuff it in my back pocket for my next interview! :)