Thursday, November 29, 2007

Enough is enough

OK. I have not run for 5 days. FIVE. No cross training, nada. A wee little bit of pilates and upper body weights, but otherwise this week has been pure gluttony. Seriously. My husband and I went out for dinner tonight for bread, steaks, potatoes. Last night was tacos. Amazingly enough, I lost a pound or two. It just isn't right. But it is great. And I have no regrets. This week as I watch my fitness fade just a bit, I am glad to have the mental break.

It appears my spring schedule will probably change, but it depends on job offers. I had a promising week.

The only thing for certain right now: I will run tomorrow. The hip is a little sore when lying down or streching to the side, but I have also noticed that I am ready to race my kids to everything. Yep, I need to get some zip back, even if only a race to the mailbox.


Bryan said...

Thanks for checking in on me! Coincidentally I also have not run for five days as of today. Somehow you and I picked up on the same evil slacker vibe. Never fear, I will get a new blog post and a new blaze of kicked-up dirt going pronto, and not just because you've guilted me into it.

The "glutton" graphic you picked out is awesome - quite how I felt last Thursday.

sage said...

congrats on losing! i had been in a gluttony phase up until this week, but i didn't lose anything, but put on like 7 pounds since the marathon. my pants don't fit!

i've managed to run every other day without aggravating whatever's going on with my legs, but my mileage for the month is pitiful.