Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hitting the reset button

I don't know why, but when I approach that 70 mpw mark, my body reboots and kicks my fitness to a new level. I have only reached that sort of mileage during three training seasons, but each time, the results are fast and dramatic.

I ran 67 miles last week. Up from the 55 mpw range I had been hovering around. Monday I was sore and beat up. But today, my resting heart rate was nice and low even though I slept terrible last night. And my run? I hit the first mile in 20-25 mph winds at an 8:45 pace and my HR was in the 130s (normally I'd be in 150s or 160s). This bodes well for Eugene.

Oh, and I planned to run 5, but since I was feeling so good, I opted for 8. The winds were wicked and the rain pounded me in a rather painful way when I was running into it, but I have to admit I felt a little bad @ss being out there in it. Ha. Bring it!

This week I am going back down to about 55 mpw and running another 10K this weekend. Then I will try to bump up to 70 one more time. I hope things continue to go well. And I hope to drop a couple lbs during these last weeks.

On another note, I took my boys to work with me for a few hours today. I know, very lame thing to do during their spring break, Mom. But unfortunately, it was a necessity today. The good news was that they were very well behaved and had a good time. It was awesome!


Greg said...

Be careful. Good luck and make sure you recover from that 10k.

Mindi said...

Thanks, Greg. I am holding back a little this week and then only one more big week before I start descending into a taper. I had planned a half in early April, but decided that is probably too much and will stick with 10K since that distance never beats me up too much.

Theia said...

The thing about a 10K is that if you run hard (really race it), you're sore for a day or two TOPS, and then you're fine again. Sounds like a good plan!

And... welcome back to bloggerland! :)

Los Angeles Waterproofing said...

Hello niice blog