Friday, December 10, 2010

So week # 2 of training went by the wayside. Quickly. I woke up on Tuesday bright and early to log my 9 miler. Well, my stomach was killing me some, but I'll be okay. I cautiously drank a big glass of water and a cup of coffee and went upstairs to get on my running gear. Um, first the porcelian god called me to reclaim said coffee and water. Then my bed held me hostage for the next 35 painful hours. I got up a few times sporadically on Tuesday, but it was painful. I slept throughout the day and next night, but never for more than 45 minutes. It was awful. I awoke on Wednesday praying I'd feel better. But alas,, I was still a mess. I knew our contractor and cleaning lady would be arriving and I didn't want to me a mess in bed, so I hauled myself into the office and quarantined myself there. Fortunately by Wednesday evening I felt human. By Friday, I feel almost like new. I lost 5 lbs along the way, so the focus on the last couple of days has been hydration, hydration, hydration (although I admit now I am sipping on a glass of wine).

I have run zero miles this week. And the weather forecast sucks. really. really. bad. Time to suck it up buttercup.

On a positive note, James told me yesterday he was going to start running one mile each day on the treadmill. What? He is getting ready for football season (NEXT FALL). Ha. And he did it. Yesterday and today. He is super excited about it and has all sorts of goals for increasing speed/mileage. Swoon. A boy after his momma's heart. Sheesh - now I need to start catching up!!!


Runnin-From-The-Law said...

That is so great that your son is that committed to running! How cute! Good for him. Your work with the GOTR has inspired him, I'm sure.

Here's hoping that next week is a better week for you!

Theia said...

Yikes! Was it a virus? Or food poisoning??

Hope you are feeling better now and ready to take on the world!

Mindi said...

Theia - it definitely seemed to be some sort of virus. Fortunately, I was the only one that got it - although DS appeared to have a much milder version.

This week is better, but the bitter cold is killing me!