Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Not happy at all about this weekend's weather forecast. 60 degrees at the start and mid 70s by the finish is NOT conducive to a PR for me. I hate trying to race in warm(er) weather (because I bomb), and I really need it to be 15-20 degrees cooler to have everything come together for me.

Just to rub it in, it has been in the 30s and low 40s every morning this week for my runs. Thank you Mutha Nature.

Of course I know there is always the inherent bad (or even less than ideal) weather risk when you put all of your eggs in one basket and train 4-5 months for just one day. But still...





Jen Jones said...

I know that weather forecast bites (I hate heat, too), I'm sorry. I think the only two fall races that will always be cool are CIM and NYC...of course, it's easy to get nailed with wind at those.

Hang in there, still go out there and try your best. (My 1/2 PR was on a crazy hot day where I almost didn't even start I was so mental about the weather). The weather factor is so tough and we can't control which makes it frustrating. Just remember race day magic can work wonders!

I'd still trade places with you in a heartbeat! Hell, I'd be pumped to be able to dress myself and walk!

Mindi said...

Thanks, Jen. And I hear you on the - hey, at least you can get your butt out there! I will definitely be channeling you and others when I get my game face on and give it my all! If this is the biggest of my complaints right now, I'm not doing too shabby! Ha. But it still p!sses me off!! :)

Maria said...

Deep breaths, deep breaths. I freakin' hate the forecast for you too but I also know how hard you've worked this cycle and how talented you are; try and visualize yourself rising above factors you cannot control. You've run Chicago before, you know the course and where you might need an extra boost, visualize yourself crushing those sections and making your day happen. I'm all ready to track you and will be cheering you on from here!!

Greg said...

That sucks. Sorry to hear it. Hopefully, it will turn around. That (and running 26.2 miles) is what makes the marathon a bitch.

Even effort. You're time will be what it is. Good luck!

Runnin-From-The-Law said...

My thoughts:

1) It's still early. Weather people suck. It definitely could change.

2) It LOOKS worse than it is. The high of mid-70's is definitely not good, but that means 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Not at race end. You are fast, so you will finish before the temps get horrible.

3) Take some time to REALLY think about are you set on getting a fabulous PR after all that training that you put in, or are you set just running strong at Chicago. Because if the weather is sucky, and you are smart and adjust your pace 10 seconds or so each mile from the start, you will have a strong race. Not a PR, but a strong race. If it's the PR you want, think seriously about bailing on chicago, eating the race fee, and picking one the next weekend that is do-able from where you live (Grand Rapids? Des Moines?) and smashing your PR there.

Chin up! Stressing won't help!